09:You Found Your Mate!

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Miles Gillen on top....... Isn't he cute??


                                        You Found Your Mate!

Caleb Murphy, loved his family, he really did. They weren't perfect like they show in some old-fashioned movie. No, it was far from it.

His mom and dad would often fight over things; even for something as stupid as who can last long without blinking their eyes, or who can eat more pieces of pizza than the other. Yeah, childish; he knows. And his brothers were idiots; sometimes. But he loved them to death.

But now, he was contemplating it.

The day had started normal; as normal as it can get for a supernatural species. There was a mutilated body; which the warriors criminated, and somewhat a killer on their tails- literally or figuratively, only time could tell. And he found his mate, who is a boy- an eighteen-year-old boy with snow white hair and blackest eyes he had ever seen on someone else; oh, don't even talk about his lips. And now he's confused about his sexuality. Yep, pretty normal.

After having another meeting- as Alpha Trevor had said before the night- with all the head of their patrolling team and enforcers team head about the dead body and all, the meeting was dismissed with a warning; to look out for anything suspicious. As Alpha Trevor didn't want to frighten his people, he gracefully omitted about the killer part in their general pack meeting and had simply announced; 'rogues gone rabid and attacked themselves'. Quite a believable lie, if you ask him. After the meeting with all heads and pack members, Caleb was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. Since there isn't much he can do, he slept through the day. Until his brothers came from school.

When Kellan and Callum strutted inside the living room, Caleb was sipping on his black coffee while he munched on some cookies his mom baked. Kellan, as energetic as a toddler on sugar rush, plopped beside him; starting to run his mouth about his football tryouts. While Callum just sat across him silently.

Caleb glanced at his younger brother, eyebrows furrowing as he noticed a faraway look on the boy's face. As an older brother Caleb can proudly states that he knew anything and everything about his brothers; every little dirty secret they could've; he knows them all- even about the little crush his youngest brother; Kellan has on his best friend's brother-Athen. So, when his ever so chatty brother- Callum- who can't shutup for a minute even if he was payed- sat there like he lost all of his precious video games, Caleb knows something had happened.

"what happened??". He enquires, his head tilting slightly as he eyed his brother. Callum's head snaps towards him; like he just woke up from his dreaming.

"wh- nothing.". he shrugs, his eyes not reaching to meet with those bluish grey ones of his brother. Now they got Kellan's attention too, as he stopped his rant about some video he watched on his phone, to watch his brothers.

"if it's nothing, then why are you avoiding me? Did I do something??". Caleb's brows knits, his mind scratching on every corner of his brain to find a memory of him upsetting his brother. Ares whines inside him, hurt by his brother's avoidance.

"what!!! No....". Callum exclaims, now garnering the attention of his mother who was baking in the kitchen and Benjamin; who stood behind her as he helped her with the cookies.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚊 & 𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝙼𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚞𝚖 (𝚋𝚡𝚋)Where stories live. Discover now