15: I'll Protect You.

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                                                         I'll Protect You.

At the end Elrid couldn't sleep at all. Even though he spent a solid eight-hour meditating in his room, well he tried. Every time he tried to concentrate his mind into something peaceful the energy kept blocked by something. Something dark and discouraging. And exhaustion was there too, the breathlessness of something ominous taking a toll on his energy. God, I haven't felt like this since the ajhussi incident. Elrid knew he was at his breaking point. His senses were high with alert, even if he knew there was no threat to him, his mind and body kept their guard up. And confining himself to the four walls of his own room wasn't helping at all. He felt like he was trapped in an elevator. Goosebumps and sweat prickling at his skin. He tugged at his messy hair, the frustration making him feel like a caged tiger. He wanted to be out, right at the moment. But he also knows his mom would've a heart attack if she found out that her baby ran away from their home at night without even a word. So, without much of a choice he paced through his room, half relieved that Miles isn't there with him. he doesn't want to take his frustration on him.

Elrid doesn't know how he survived the rest of the night, but at the mere sight of the spreading gold, he opened the front door. His skinny legs gradually gaining speed as he jumped out their fence. The cold prickled through his dark grey hoodie and his sweat pants drenching in morning dew. But the coldness somewhat calmed him, helping him to contain his racing thoughts, grounding him. Nature was and will be always a soothing agent for the white-haired boy. It always calmed him, his body, mind, soul. Ignoring the silent Miles- who was following him ever since he stepped out of his room; he walked. The soggy dry leaves squelching under his shoes as he strolled through the mist covered trail. Elrid walked, mindlessly, listening to the chirping birds and buzzing wind. His fingers lingering on the barks of trees and dampened leaves of bushes; shivering as the wind rushed past him, tracing his bare face.

Breathing out a contented sigh, he let himself fall over the patch grass. He can feel the coldness of dew drops seeping into his sweat pants and hoodie; making them wet. the smell of grass and scent of wild valley flowers surrounding him. His gaze wandered towards the looming clouds, his racing mind calming as he absorbed the beautiful pattern above him.

He doesn't know how many hours he spent there doing nothing; just sitting and watching. Sometime he even let himself close his eyes for a short nap. But when he finally noticed the time, the clouds which he named as boa and handy- because they looked like a coiled snake and the other one a large hand- were already reformed into something else. A big opened mouth I think... Slightly humming, he watches the flowers nodding along with the breeze. Beautiful. He murmured just as Miles popped in front of him, his face one of sceptical.

"You good now??" giving a once over, Miles question; cocking his brow.

"Yes.... Fresh as new..." the boy replies with a cheeky smile. His ebony eyes twinkling in mirth.

"I can tell... "the ghost scoffs. "I hate it when you have these moods.... always so grumpy and meanie..." Miles whines like he is in pain. Like he is physically affected by his human buddy's temper tantrum. which would've been true if the things Elrid threw at him during those times hit him. But they only flew through him like the ghost even wasn't there- which actually annoyed Elrid quite a few times, if you may ask. Perks of being a ghost; Miles would always boast with pride much more prideful than the lion itself whenever a pillow or crystal flew through him.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚊 & 𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝙼𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚞𝚖 (𝚋𝚡𝚋)Where stories live. Discover now