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Earl of Rose 7

"The devil summoned a group of will-o'-the-wisp elves,
 They flew around Margaret,
  the will-o'-the-wisp flickered, and
  the devil and Margaret danced a minuet!"

  Xia Qi pinched the paper, his fingers trembling slightly unconsciously.
  Margaret's experience was too similar to his.
  They both met mysterious men and danced minuet...

  Xia Qi suddenly remembered the whispers of the man in his dream. Could it be that the man also broke into his room last night?
  Thinking in a confused manner, Xia Qi tried to take a deep breath and tried his best to stay calm.

  His fingers trembled, and he turned to the next page.
  "Oh, Margaret fell in love, and
  the devil's handsome face made her obsessed!
  At that moment, Margaret
  became the happiest woman in the world..."

  Xia Qi wanted to continue turning the pages, but found that this was the last page.
  All the clues were broken again.
  What was the ending of Margaret after she fell in love with the devil?
   Xia Qi felt a chill "Boy, you are too smart. "

  The old man chuckled. He had played many games, but he had never seen a newcomer with higher qualifications than Xia Qi.
  Players like Xia Qi seemed to be born for the sin game.

  Of course, the leader of the Red team, Zha Gong, was also capable. The old man suspected that Zha Gong used to be a mental worker.

  However, Zha Gong's character was too bad. Although he could pass the game in this way, once a person has no bottom line, can he still be called a "human"?

  "Margaret is the 'Madam' in the Red team's mouth. She is a human being and also the owner of this room." Xia Qi said.

  Thanks to the clues exposed by the Red team, they knew the information about Margaret.

  But Margaret's whereabouts and ending were unknown,and all the clues were broken again.

  After checking Margaret's room, the sister asked anxiously, "Will you go to the corner tower again?"

  "Of course we will." The old man blinked at the two of them, "After all, I am also a caring person, right, young man Xia. "

  Looking at the old man's shining eyes, Xia Qi secretly shook his head.
  "Old sir, what is your real purpose?" Xia Qi asked suspiciously.

  This old player would not do anything without profit, and he often did not speak the truth. Xia Qi did not believe that the old man would suddenly show mercy and do good things.

      The old man's real purpose should be to witness the older sister's death.
  Xia Qi continued to think carefully.

  Margaret lived in a luxurious big bedroom and was honored as "Madam" by the housekeeper. She must have an important connection with the owner of the castle.

  And the older sister "stole" Margaret's diamond necklace this morning. The owner of the castle is very likely to show up tonight.

  Therefore, the old man is willing to accompany them to the corner tower in order to see the true identity of the owner of the castle.

  The three of them did not go to the restaurant for dinner first, but went directly to the corner tower.

  As the housekeeper said, the corner tower on the east side is narrow and dark. The evening sun shines in from the small window next to the stairs, without adding any warmth to the corner tower.

  Xia Qi came to the top floor of the corner tower.
  The older sister was locked in a cell with chains on her hands.

  "Ha, there is only a shabby wooden bed in the cell. Is this the room with complete furniture that the housekeeper said?" The old man laughed immediately. This NPC is no less good at playing word games than the player.

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