Chapter 2

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(Third perosn POV)

"Ok fine I admit I did do that." America said sourly. Russia had a smile of satisfaction on his face but then it quickly became a cold monotone expression again. "That's it both of you outside now we need to talk about this situation." UN ordered. America carelessly went out the meeting room and soon Russia followed him and the second UN left the room to talk to the countries the other countries started chatting and chaos starting rising.

Canada had a clearly visible worried face but Ukraine calmed him down by giving him a reassuring smile that everything is fine. Britain said "America is so immature and I can not even believe he is my son." France ate a piece of her baguette she had snuck in and said "Chérie, ne dis pas ça ! C'est notre fils après tout." (Honey, don't say that! He is our son after all.) She calmed Britain down by giving him a small kiss on his cheek. He immediately turned red as blood came rushing to his face. France chuckled at this and ate the rest of her cuisine. 

Ukraine had saw this and couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous because she wanted to do that to Canada but she was to shy and she had never kissed someone before.  As she pondered in thought she heard someone say. "Ukraine are you ok?" Canada asked. Ukraine hadn't realised she had been staring at Canada and she blushed a light shade of pink. "I am fine." She responded breaking out of her gaze.

(UN's POV)

This behaviour is unbelievable I thought as I led the two countries outside. "Amerika kicked my leg and pinched me of course I vill be angry." said the frustrated russian. America defended himself by saying "Since I arrived this jerk has been staring shitty daggers at me!" "Mind your language." I reminded. Then after a few seconds of scrambling to search for the words I wanted to use I said. "Both of you have to behave other wise you both will have a punishment." I said clearly being formal. "You both are on your last chance so be careful." I said a bit agitated by their behaviour. They both nodded and we went back to the meeting. When I opened the door I heard chaos ensume the environment around me. I cleared my throat and said "We shall continue now." Many countries stopped talking and paid attention. While I was explaining I saw that Russia and America were stating at eachother.

(Russia's POV)

I was actually paying attention even though other countries were not. I felt someone staring at me and that was America. I glared back at him and he intensified his glare. We were having a intense staring contest with pure hatred in both of our eyes.

(Time skip~America's POV)

It was after the meeting that I was packing and getting ready to go and greeted a fare well to Nada, Aussie, Kiwi, and my parents. When I was exiting the building I was going down the steps and I suddenly tripped on something. I was getting ready to fall flat on my face but I suddenly was paused in the air when I looked back I saw a hand grabbing me by my shirt it was Russia he had saved me from falling and instead of just watching me suffer and fall to the ground he had helped me?! 

A while ago he was staring daggers and now he helped me? I stared into his icy grey eyes while he stared into my sunglasses that covered my eyes. He had no expression. Suddenly he pushed me aside smoothly and was going to say something but he didn't.

I then said a thank you awkwardly thinking of what had just happened.  He had a really small smile on his face barely visible and I couldn't help but smile back as he walked away.

(Time skip~Russia's POV)

I quickly ran to my car not wanting to blush infront of him and I replayed what had happened in my head. My heart was skipping a beat because it was all so sudden but then I focused on driving.

When I got home I quickly ran to my bed and face first in the pillow and blushed madly. Maybe I had a teeny tiny crush on America... NO! I'm not gay! I thought. It was just so confusing no way we could be together! We were enemies I thought. Then I decided to drink some vodka to forget this ever happened. I went to my fridge and grabbed 3 bottles and just drank straight from the bottle after drinking 3 bottles it quickly became 4 then 5 then 6 and so on. I was so tired and fell asleep as I had a blurry vision and my head was heavy. Then I let my sleep take over.


Hi I will be publishing 1-3 chapters a day! 

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