9 - Another Line of Protection

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It was a few days after the texts and Steve had been watching me carefully. He was constantly asking me if I got any more texts from the unknown number or if anything weird had happened. I informed him of everything that happened, it was better than having him having someone follow me.

I was off for the day, so I was just hanging out around the house. I had planned to go out, but I would have been alone and since everything I wasn't sure about it anymore. Steve walked down the stairs with a case in his hand.

"You doing anything today?" Steve asked and I held up the book I had in my hand.

"Reading, broadening my mind. You should try it sometime." I smirked at him, and he smiled back.

"You've been hanging out with Danny too much." Steve said.

"Funny he said the same thing about me with hanging out with you." I said and Steve chuckled. "Why did you want to know my plans?" I asked.

"Well...you have the hand-to-hand combat down. Kono did amazing with that but I want to take you somewhere to teach you to something else in case something happens, and you are here without me." Steve said and I just looked at him.

"Steve..." I said and then my eyes trailed down to the case he was carrying.

"Do you trust me, Cali?" Steve asked and I semi smiled.

"Of course I do." I said.

"Alright well we have an allotted time to be there, so we need to go. You ready to leave?" Steve asked and I nodded. We went to leave and there was someone standing there ready to knock. Steve gently grabbed my arm and put me behind him.

"Can I help you?" Steve asked.

"I have a delivery For Cali Austin." The guy said and I reached around Steve and took the vase of flowers and I smiled.

"Thank you." I tipped the guy with a few bucks I had in my pocket, and he walked away. I walked over and set the flowers on the coffee table.

"Who are those from?" Steve asked and I pulled the card from them.

-Since you have been staying in lately, I thought I would send something to brighten your space.-

It wasn't signed so my hand started shaking.

"Cali?" Steve asked and rushed over taking the card from me and then sighed.

"Now he is sending you flowers, he knows where you are staying." Steve said. "Which means where I'm taking you today makes perfect sense. Come on." Steve said and we left the house. As we drove, he called to have someone check and see who sent the flowers, but they paid with cash and there was going to be no trace of him.

The ride after he was on the phone was silent and I looked at my hands in my lap.

"Steve..." I said.

"Yeah?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road.

"I'm sorry this is happening..." Steve just looked at me and was confused.

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't ask for this Cali. All I want to do now is keep you safe and find out who it is." Steve said and I gave a weak smile. He placed a hand over mind in my lap giving a gentle squeeze. "We will find him, okay?" Steve questioned me and I nodded.

"I know, I have the best group of people looking out for me." I said and he gave a small smile.

We continued to our destination and as we arrived, I looked at Steve.

"A shooting range?!" I asked.

"Yes, a shooting range. You are going to learn how to load and shoot my gun. I always have this one at home and I want you to learn how to use it. Preferably get you your own." Steve said and I shook my head as we walked inside.

"I've never even held a gun before Steve, I don't think this is a good idea..." I stammered.

"Cali, it's going to be okay. Listen, if you really don't want to learn that's fine but I think it's a good idea." Steve said as he walked up to the counter and they guys handed us protective eyewear and then ID'd me.

We were let in the door, and we walked down to the open lane we would be using. Steve and I walked into the shooting area, and he got out his gun he used for work and made sure the safety was on.

"Hold this." Steve said. I just looked at him and the gun. "Cali." Steve said. I looked at him and saw him as Lieutenant Commander Garrett now, not Steve. I sighed and took the gun from him and noticed how heavy it was.

"Like this?" I questioned and pointing it out towards the target. Steve sighed and sightly shook his head.

"Let's get out the gun you will be using, and I'll have you load it." Steve said. I placed his on the counter and he opened the case of the other one. He walked me through putting it together and loading it.

"Okay take the stance you had before." Steve said and I did. He kicked my feet apart. "Shoulder length apart." He said. He then pushed one my shoulders down, "Relax. Not good to be tense." He then moved my arm with the gun in my hand, lifting my other hand to put it around my first one.

"Okay take a relaxing breath, put your finger on the trigger and shoot." Steve said and I closed my eyes taking a relaxing breath and then opened my eyes. I placed my finger on the trigger and squeezed. The first initial shot shocked me. I then smiled at the rush it gave me and I continued shooting and before I knew it the clip was empty. Steve came up to me and I lowered my arm placing the gun on the counter. He hit the button to get the shooting chart from down the range to move closer to us. Once it arrived, I was shocked.

"Well, a full clip and you hit the body the majority of the time even 3 headshots. I'm impressed. You've never shot before?" Steve asked and I shook my head.

"Well, this is amazing. We will go a few more times though, get you better at aiming and everything." Steve said and I nodded.

As I was loading a new target paper on the hooks, Steve loaded the gun and looked at him.

"Thanks for this." I said and he looked at me oddly.

"What?" Steve asked.

"For all of this. For protecting me and everything. After the texts the other day -..." I said and Steve held up his hand stopping me.

"The texts have been deleted from my phone and I have forgotten about it. You were drunk Cali, it was fine." Steve smiled and I smiled back.

"Well, I meant what I said about the shirt..." I joked.

"I'll see what I can do." Steve said and I laughed as I moved the target back out. "Alright let's go again and work on aiming this time." Steve said and I nodded.

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