13 - Too Late

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It was a few weeks after my flat tire incident at work. Steve and I had been getting along better. Even some mornings swimming laps together that we had now turned into a race every morning. I tried to convince Steve to try yoga, that lasted 10 minutes and he gave up.

I was in my room picking out a dress to wear. I had a dinner to go to tonight for a woman I worked with who had just gotten engaged and was getting married in just a few weeks, they didn't want to wait. She wanted a simple bachelorette party which is why we were having a fancy dinner party.

"So are you thinking the little black dress you have or something different?" Mary asked over FaceTime. I have her propped up on my dresser as I looked in my closet.

"I don't know. I mean the LBD is the perfect dress but I don't even know if it fits anymore." I said.

The LBD I had was a little snug but comfortable. It hit right above the knee and was tank top style. The straps were thin. It was low cut and had a glitter line around top.

"So try it on. I mean if it's a little tight doesn't that mean it paid for itself." Mary chuckled.

"Excuse me! Meaning...?"

"You wear that you really think you will be buying your own drinks?" Mary asked. I grabbed my phone and sat on the bed.

"This is a guy free night, girls night out." I said and Mary rolled her eyes.

"Can you just try the dress on for me please?" Mary asked. I groaned, got up and walked into my bathroom leaving her on my dresser. I walked out and did a spin.

"It looks great!" Mary exclaimed with a smile and I turned to show her the back.

"Yeah, great..." I said as she saw the back wide open.

"Have Steve come and zip you up! I mean you have to wear that dress! Wear your hot pink heels though, give it a pop of color!" Mary excitedly exclaimed.

"Mary, I'm not going to ask your brother to zip me up!" I struggled to reach the zipper.

"Why? Something happen between the two of you?" Mary squealed in excitement and I just raised an eyebrow to look at her.

"What?! No! It's just Steve...well...I'll figure it out." I stumbled through.

"Awww can't hide that blush on your face even on FaceTime." Mary used her girly voice.

"Bad connection. I need to go." I said.

"Ask Steve!" Mary said and she hung up.

I rolled my eyes and struggled a little longer to try and get the zipper up to no avail. I opened my bedroom door, peaking my head out.

"Steve?!" I called out. He came out of his bedroom.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Can you come help me a second?" I asked and he nodded coming down towards my room as I walked inside. I was holding the back closed with my hand.

"What's up?" Steve asked. I was facing him.

"I wouldn't asked unless it was necessary, but I can't get the zipper up on this dress, can you help?" I asked and Steve chuckled.

"Yeah, sure." Steve said, walked over to me as I turned around and zipped up the dress after I moved my hand. I felt him zip up the dress then hook together the top hook. "All zipped." Steve said and I smiled turning around.

"Thank you." I said. Steve looked me up and down.

"That's the dress you're wearing tonight?" Steve asked.

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