24 - Welcome Home

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I was sitting at the airport, my flight had been delayed twice and I was just ready to get home.

I had been in LA for a few days. I visited my dad's grave, spent time with my aunt and uncle then I went and saw Mary. Unable to find a roommate she left the apartment and moved in with her Aunt Deb. I got to finally meet the infamous Aunt Deb and she was amazing. She asked if I was keeping grumpy Steve happy in Hawaii, and I almost choked on my drink when she asked but I said I was trying and that was that.

I was now just ready to get back home to Lieutenant Marshmallow and more importantly Steve. We talked every night and even had some more fun, but it wasn't the same...I needed him. Not just for sex but I could sense a problem and I knew he needed me.  

As I was sitting and just waiting for info my cellphone went off with a text.

Steve: Any word yet?

Cali: No, still waiting. I know you were going to pick me up but seriously I will catch a cab once I get home.

Steve: Cali...

Cali: Don't argue with me on this one Steve. I have no clue when I will get home, and you have to work tomorrow. Just get some sleep and I will see you when I see you.

Steve: No matter what time you get home I want you in my bed.

Cali: Yes sir Lieutenant Commander McGarrett.

Steve: Dangerous game you're playing Cali...

Cali: Are you going to punish me? 

Steve: Once you get home, you'll find out.

I smiled and leaned back in the chair I was in. I closed my eyes and just waited...

"We apologize for the delay everyone, but we will now be boarding for the nonstop flight from Los Angeles to Hawaii."

I heard the announcement say. I stretched, I thought I closed my eyes for 5 minutes, turned out it was closer to an hour and a half.

"All first-class passengers, please come to the gate and we will begin boarding." The announcement continued.

"Thank god!" I groaned and stood up. Time to go home!

I arrived back in Hawaii at 2am

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I arrived back in Hawaii at 2am...2 in the fucking morning. I was so happy I took an extra day off so I would be able to sleep late when I got home.

I walked off the plane, grabbed my bag from baggage claim, I was given a lei when I went to leave the airport and I chuckled to myself. I got Lei'd at the airport...

I walked out and caught a cab. Giving the driver the address now I just had to get home, I was so close. I had texted Steve while I waited for my bag but got no response, so I knew he was asleep. I didn't expect him to be awake at all. I would just crawl into bed with him when I got home and be there when he woke up in a few hours.

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