14 - Halloween

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I was being walked to the front door by Luca. It had. Been a few weeks and we had been on 3 dates.

I knew Steve was home and I didn't want Luca to walk me to the door, but he insisted.

"So, lunch in a few days?" Luca asked and I sighed.

"I can't, I'm going to be having working lunches lately. But hey on Halloween we are having a party here. Some friends of Steve's friends, why don't you join us?" I asked and Luca gave a small smile.

"Really? You ready for me to meet everyone?" Luca asked and I just sighed.

"It wouldn't be like that, but I mean we could get to hang out and if you meet a few people so be it." I giggled and he half nodded with a smile.

"Well what time does it start?" Luca asked.

"7pm. Just going to be dinner, snacks, movies...just fun." I said and Luca nodded.

"Sounds good. I'll be here." Luca said and I smiled. Luca leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips and I couldn't help but feel butterflies take off in my stomach.

When we broke apart, we were smiling at each other. He gently tucked some hair behind my ear, and I felt the heat rise in my cheek.

"Call you tomorrow?" Luca asked and I nodded. He leaned down giving me another small kiss and then walked off the small porch. I unlocked the door and tried to be quiet since the house was dark, I knew Steve was asleep.

I locked the door and went to head upstairs.

"Cali?" I heard my name called and I walked towards the voice. Steve was standing in the kitchen making a snack.

"Hey, sorry. I thought you were asleep." I said and Steve shook his head.

"No, I was up. When I heard you on the porch, I knew you made it home okay."

I smirked at Steve, "Were you waiting up for me?"

Steve just shrugged, "Wanted to make sure you made it home safe."

"Well thank you for your concern." I said as I walked to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"How was your date?" Steve asked and I smiled.

"Perfect, we went to dinner then took a walk on the beach. When he dropped me off, I invited him to the Halloween get together here so you you'll finally get to meet Luca." I explained and Steve half nodded.

"That will be nice to finally meet him." Steve responded. I knew the tone.

"Be nice and don't detective Steve him, same goes for Danny. No detective interrogation." I said and Steve held up his hands in defense.

"Never." Steve said and I half nodded.

"Well, I'm heading to bed. Good night." I said walking past Steve.

"Night Cali." Steve said.

I got up to my room and sighed as I changed for bed. Bringing Luca around Five-0 people that would be at this party was going to be interesting.


I came down the steps in super short shorts, a flannel tied up shirt to show my midriff, sleeves rolled up and cowgirl boots. Danny was standing in the living room and Grace was next to Danny. Danny had on a cape, vampire fangs and grace was dressed as a bumble bee.

"Auntie Cali! You look nice!" Grace said and I smiled.

"Thank you, you cute little bumblebee." I said.

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