Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Do we knock?"
Newt's eyes flutter the dark room that is now filled with light, his head is resting on Thomas' shoulder. Hushed Voices and feet shuffling could be heard from outside, Newt made one out to be Minho.
"I awake you shuck-faces" Thomas shouted, Newt glanced up and smiled at him not realising the boy was awake, "Slept well?"
"10/10 your shoulder like a pillow" Newt joked getting up and opening the door.
"Newt? What is this?" Minho motioned between him and Thomas
"The party got boring so I came up here and I found Newt and I guess we fell asleep" Thomas lied the blonde smiled at him internally thanking him for not telling them about the night he had.
"Well in case you forgot we kind of have school and I'm taking Teresa so Thomas you take your boyfri-- I mean Newt to the horrible institution called school" Minho smirked putting his arm on.
Thomas rolled his eyes at Minho's stupid comment glancing over at the blonde and finding a layer of blush scattered on his freckled face. The brunette grabbed Newt's hand dragging him out the door to his car. The car ride was silent as Newt stared out the window his eyes occasionally moving to the boy next to him, Thomas caught him multiple times and chuckled to himself making Newt bite his lip. As the two pulled up into an empty car space Newt grabbed Thomas's hand causing him to fall back into his seat.
"Don't tell anybody about last night please Tommy" Newt pleaded letting go of the boy's wrist.
"About what?"Thomas smiled touching the place the blonde had running his fingers along, butterflies forming.
Thomas walked with the boy along the sidewalk leading up to the entrance of the school, Newt kicked a rock before it fell off the path sighing. Thomas walked off the path picking it back up and placing it in front of the boy. Newt raised an eyebrow questioning the boy who was dusting off his hands which were covered in mud.
"It's sad to see you sad" Thomas expressed "even if it's over a silly rock, now hurry up our science teacher will kill us if we're late and he hates me" Newt and Thomas had realised they had most classes together but due to Newt's first day he didn't know any of his teachers.
"Everybody hates you, Thomas"
"Shuck off, way to make a boy feel unloved" Thomas held his hand up to his chest pretending to sob. The boys made it to their first class just as the bell went and students pushed past them setting down their things and pulling out books a man in a white suit and gelled hair back which exposed his 7-finger forehead.
"New student come in we'll do names later we have no time to slack, I'm Mr Hans" The man in the white Suit greeted them as they both sat down in the back corner, "this semester we are doing a project in pairs about the underwater ecosystem the rest is on this paper you have got 3 weeks no slacking its 50% of your grade" Thomas turned to Newt who was drawing on the side of the desk as his head rested on his arm.
"Earth the Newtie" Thomas waved his hand in front of the boy's face causing the boy to enter reality "you and me partners no arguments"
"What if I don't want to?" Newt eyes Thomas
"Well everybody in the class already has a partner so it's me or me" Thomas replied moving his chair so they shared a desk
"Fine only because you begged" Newt smiled

Hold me- Newtmas
FanfictionLife is hard and it can really suck sometime but it can be the small thing that happen, like meeting somebody in a bookstore or even falling in love, that make life all worth it. Newt lost the one person he loved the most forcing him to move out of...