"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
― Marilyn Monroe---
"She raped me Newt" Thomas cried turning away from the blonde who was letting the words sink in
"You should have told me" Newt conveys grabbing Thomas' face and staring into the boy's watery eyes.
"It's embarrassing" Thomas sobbed watching Newt's eyes flicker around his face like the blonde was trying to read a book in which words were made out of tears and pain.
"Thomas Edison I promise that it isn't embarrassing and that nobody including you should ever have to go through that and I am always going to be here because we are both pretty fucked up" Newt wrapped his arms around the sad boy figure rubbing his arm up and down the boys back resting his head on the Brunett's hair breathing in the comforting scent. Thomas liked the feeling of the boy's arms around him as he buried his wet face into the boy's chest listening to the thump of the blonde's heartbeat. Both boys felt safe and connected.
After sitting in silence Thomas finally decided to ask a question that had been wanting to slip off his tongue for a while.
"Newt, what happened to your parents?" silence followed and Thomas knew whatever it was hard for Newt to say and the way most likely keep away in a box of emotions stored far at the back of the fragile heart.
"I guess I should tell somebody it would feel good just let it out," Newt said sighing before continuing, "My parent were good people they always showed kindness and compassion to everybody, one night a day before my birthday they said they had a surprise and took me and my sister out for dinner. My mum gave my sister a necklace and my dad his watch my grandparents came to pick us up for ice cream saying our parents needed to set up a surprise. Once we got the ice cream we all headed home everything was normal. Until it wasn't, the house was quiet, too quiet so me and Lizzie walked upstairs only to find our parents stabbed all over their bodies blood scattered along the once clean bathroom. Announced dead at the scene killed by a man whose till this day name I don't know. He was a murderer and I hope he and his family suffer in hell." Newt finished leaning up against the wall resting his head on Thomas's shoulder who started twirling the blonde's hair in his fingers.
"Guess both our families are pretty fucked up" Thomas joked trying to lighten the mood.
"I guess it's in the blood" Newt smiled turning his head to Thomas. The blonde stared into the honey-brown eyes in front of him. Newt's heart rate increased in speed and he could feel it beating in his chest pounding into his head as he scanned the boy's face taking note of the dimples and freckles that scattered the boy's gorgeous face. His long eyelashes complimented his eyes and his sharp jawline and button nose complemented the package. Newt realized Thomas Edison was fucking perfect.
Newt didn't know how long he had been staring at the boys and Thomas wasn't sure either but the tension in the air was thick making it hard for both boys to breathe. Thomas slowly leaned in both boys shutting their eyes a wave of heat filling the two's bodies, just as their lips almost brushed a voice pulled them apart.
"Am I interrupting something?" The voice that Newt made out to be Minho said.
"Yeah I was about to kiss Newt you Slint-Head", Thomas commented making Newt blush but in the dark room nobody noticed " This is the second time Minho"
"Second?" Minho asked
"A the lake Teresa a screamer I'm surprised the sheriff didn't think somebody was getting murdered out there"
"Slim it, now you have classes to get to both of you so I'm going to go wait outside and you two have a QUIKE CHAT" Minho said turning and walking up the stairs disappearing out of the boy's sight the sound of floor boards creaking fading out.
"Wanker....Now after school meet me at my car so we can hang out after school" Thomas declares grabbing his stuff and dusting his shirt off. Newt felt electricity watching the boy who acted like they hadn't almost kissed.
"And Newt" Thomas started
"Don't miss me too much" Thomas said pecking Newt on the cheek causing an army of butterflies to erupt in his stomach.
word count- 809 (sorry it's so short but it's 3:30am and I'm sleep deprived)

Hold me- Newtmas
FanfictionLife is hard and it can really suck sometime but it can be the small thing that happen, like meeting somebody in a bookstore or even falling in love, that make life all worth it. Newt lost the one person he loved the most forcing him to move out of...