This chapter will be much shorter but I'm just working on getting inspo so I hope this works and not many people have viewed my story which is sad but that okay,
enjoy Jasi xoxox
"The word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness." -Carl Jung
"At least he won" Newt said breaking the silence
Everybody turned to Newt who shrugged his shoulders and turned so he was facing Thomas who was wiping his bloody face with his hand but smudging it more. Newt grabbed his jacket sleeve wiping the blood which was drying up ever so slowly.
"Now everybody can see your pretty face" Newt winked
"I don't care about everybody" Thomas stared into the blonde chocolate brown eyes before turning his attention to Zart who was crying on the ground holding his broken tooth in his hand "if you ever think to bring that little situation up again I will find your house crawl through your window tie you up whilst burning you alive until your a little burnt wimp and them I chop you up and feed you to my dogs" Thomas smiled Zart nodded before picking himself up and running off.
"Wimp" Newt mumbled, "What caused this wonderful fight to occur?"
"If I tell you don't get made" Thomas begged
Thomas told Newt about how Zart started telling people about him being gay and how his parents died Thomas heard and one thing led to another and Zart was getting kicked and punched by the brunette. Newt stood still frozen in spot legs feeling weak as Thomas continued he stopped paying attention.
People know about him.
About his parents.
"Newt are you okay?" Thomas asked pulling the boy away from the small group of people that had formed to watch the fight, tears threatened to spill Newt's eyes and he swallowed the large lump in the back of his throat Thomas pulled him into an empty room. "Newt?" The blonde knees fell onto the floor Thomas held his up as he fell pulling the crying boy into his chest as warm droplets of water leaked from his red eyes.
"Shhh your okay" Thomas comforted as he rubbed the boy's back
"People.....know....about my...parents... and" Newt cried words being cut out between sobs "And your holding me like I'm a pathetic shuck-face"
"Newt you are not pathetic I promise and crying is a natural way for the body to express emotions the heart can't bear" Thomas ran his hands through the blondes soft blonde hair
"Why are you so kind?" Newt asked "Most people call me names and walk away when they find out I'm gay or my parents died it's not easy to comfort somebody"
"Kindness shouldn't cost anybody anything and nor should it be rewarded, being kind is a language people can speak some people just know better than others, and people walk down the street and smile that is kindness, it doesn't have guidelines or rules, it's not big or small" Thomas replied pausing "That Newt is why I'm kind I understand how to be a human being"
Newt relaxed at the boy's words resting his head on the wall behind him. Thomas reminded him of his mum she was kind and caring before she even knew somebody probably why she was so liked thinking of her was sad but for once happy remembering the good memories they shared.
"You should find your sister you left in a rush" Thomas said breaking the silence Newt stood up "And Newt I won't tell anybody about this"
"Thanks, Tommy it means a lot" The way the nickname rolled off his tongue left Newt with a happy feeling as he found his sister.

Hold me- Newtmas
FanficLife is hard and it can really suck sometime but it can be the small thing that happen, like meeting somebody in a bookstore or even falling in love, that make life all worth it. Newt lost the one person he loved the most forcing him to move out of...