Chapter 5

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My friends looked at me and said . Thank you for noticing .  We really appreciate it . But we would appreciate it you could come to our party tonight because we kinda of having a celebration . And the dress code is 90s themed . And it is at 6pm night and then my friends walked away and me and cake contutied on our day .  And I saw my old Boss who did not seem to notice me . Which was good because I actually hated my old Boss . But now I got a new job . Which is pretty cool and I like it because no one can tell me which way do it I just need learn and understand from others . Because it is what all great heroes do . In that moment cake was getting tired and needed to rest  . So I said ok cake lets go to the cafe and get some refreshments and maybe find a place to stay . So as me and cake went to the cafe . There was a girl there who said welcome to cafe Finn and Jakes tree house . I'm Bubblegum and what I get you today . So answered and I said I will have a flat white thank you . And my friend will have some Milk . And Bubblegum said so that is one flat white and glass of milk coming right up . As she walked off to make the drinks I sat down at the table and cake was on her phone .

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