Chapter 24

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In that moment the ice Prince said oh Fiona I love it and I love you so much and you make me so happy . And lets get engaged first my love . And then we can start planning the wedding . And come on lets go our room and have a romantic time . And I Blushed and said oh ice Prince you really do care about me . I love you so much and I want to hug you . In that moment the ice Prince sweept me up off my feet and carried me to the Bedroom and then he opened the Bedroom Door and continued to carry me through the door way of the Bed room and gently laid me down on the Bed and Quickly clossed the Bedroom Door and he came back and the Bed and Kissed me and I kissed him Back beacuse our love is strong and we made it all the way to teara 15 . Which is pretty fast because I only Been dating him for a Day . I guess he just really loves me .

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