Chapter 33

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As I was heading out to find what I needed and where I had to go . So I left the house and set off on my journey through the land of ooooo to save the love of my life . The ice Prince and I this time had my daughter  Marcy with me so I was not alone . And I had to prove that I can be a good mother and god hero for the ice Prince . And I noticed Marcy was hungry so I stopped and took a break and I gave Marcy her Baby bottle and I just watched as she Drunk out of the Baby bottle and I could not got over how cute she is . And after Marcy finished her Baby bottle she yourned so I picked and said likes someone is tired little girl and I held Marcy as I countied on through my journey through the land of ooooo . And Marcy looked at me said Mama . I just let out a little tear and I said Marcy you said your first word you beautiful little Angel . And lets go save Daddy . And in the moment Marcy said Mama I want to walk . I just liked at my Daughter Marcy and said ok . But you better promise to hold my hand ok . In that moment Marcy said ok Mama . And she held my Hand tight and we countied on our journey through the land of ooooo and we went to the ice Kingdom .

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