Chapter 25

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The next morning I woke up and I could not stop Getting over the fact that me and the ice Prince made it to teara 15 . And the wedding planning will have to wait until tomorrow I guess and also I'm kinda of hungry and I got out of bed and got dressed and went downstairs and walked into the kitchen and noticed that the ice Prince was making breakfast and he said morning Babe did you have a good rest . I turned to him and said I had a wonderful rest and I dreamt of you last night . In that moment the ice Prince Blushed and said Awwwwww you are sweet and I love you . Here I made bacon and pancakes and french toast and some fresh Quizzed orange juice and fresh Milk and I also made some coffee and green tea and Finally a muffin and it is as sweet as you . Baby . Now eat up we got a Big day today . My love .

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