Chapter 18

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The ice Prince and me walk out of the door  and he asked me so Fiona my love what you want to do today . I was surprised because it the first time a guy as asked me that question and I answered him and said well I actually dont know what I want to do because I'm still excited about us hanging out . So I guess we could do something that we both enjoy . In that moment the ice Prince said that is a great idea how about building a snowman and we can build a snowman army . What you do think about that . In that moment I turned to ice Prince and said I love building snowman because it is a lot of fun when I Build extra snowman .  The ice Prince took my hand said follow my lead and we went to snow land to Build snowman and the ice Prince rolled up a ball of snow and said in loud voice . Snow ball fight ! ! ! ! And we started throwing snowballs at eachother .

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