Chapter 32

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And she needs a name . The ice Prince turned to and said how about Marcy . In that moment I said I love it . It is such a great name . And then the nurse said looks like everything is going well and I just spoke to the doctor and you are free to go . So Me and the ice Prince left the hospital with our Gourges little girl and we went back home and when we got home I Quickly put Marcy down for a nap and I turned to the ice Prince said I cant believe we did this she is so tiny . This is going to be the greatest moment of our lives together and we held hands and kissed and we just watch as little Marcy just as she was sleeping so Quietly and the ice Prince and I spent months taking care of our Daughter until I herd the ice Prince coughing and the colour from his face was going and I also noticed the diamonds on his cape turned grey I asked ice Prince if he was ok . In that moment the ice Prince said oh Fiona my love I'm very sick and the diamonds in my cape are the sources of my magical power and if I dont fix it might die so you have to save me Fiona and take our Daughter with you to save my life . In that moment I was crying and said ice Prince and I need to be alive and I'm going to take you to the candy kingdom and prince gumball will put you on life support and I have a taxi ready waiting outside for you . Because I love and I care . And in that moment the ice Prince walked outside and I followed him and I helped him get in the taxi and I told the taxi driver to drive as fast as you can to the candy kingdom it is a emergency . So I watched the taxi driver rush off and I got my equipment ready and I got Marcies Baby stuff ready and off I went to save the save the ice Prince life .

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