Chapter 9

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So Me and Cake and Simon contutied on our journey through the land of ooooo . And it was full of surprises because there was also a Dance party . Which was amazing and I have never seen cake so happy in fact she began to Dance until we got Zapped again and we ended up in a kingdom of some sort as I was trying to figure out what type of kingdom this was . I looked around for clues and cake started talking to Simon and I noticed a castle in the distance and I said to cake there is a castle in the distance lets go Simon are coming with us . In that moment Simon said oh my glob I will be right there . And on our way to castle Cake knocked on the door . And the door open and there was prince standing in the front of the door way . So I asked him can you help me I'm trying to find out kingdom this . The prince standing in door way said I'm the ice Prince and you are in the ice Kingdom and you are a beautiful lady . And are these your friends how nice to meet them .

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