Fractured Bonds

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Alexa stepped into the cozy, dimly lit café, her mind still reeling from the emotional turmoil of the night before. The breakup with Bryan had been inevitable, but it didn't make the experience any less painful. She needed a place to clear her head, and this little café, with its warm ambiance and comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, seemed like the perfect escape.

As she approached the counter to place her order, Alexa's eyes scanned the room and landed on a familiar figure. Ammielle was seated in a corner, headphones on, engrossed in her laptop. Alexa hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to find another spot, but the café was unusually crowded, and there weren't many available seats.

With a resigned sigh, she made her way over to Ammielle's table. "Mind if I sit here?" she asked, trying to keep her voice neutral.

Ammielle glanced up, her expression immediately souring. "It's a free country," she replied curtly, not bothering to remove her headphones.

Alexa rolled her eyes, but took a seat anyway. She pulled out her own laptop and tried to focus on her work, but the events of the previous night kept replaying in her mind. She let out a frustrated sigh, hoping the background noise of the café would drown out her thoughts.

After a few minutes, Ammielle looked up from her screen, noticing the tension radiating from Alexa. "You okay?" she asked, her tone laced with sarcasm. "You look like you got hit by a truck."

"Thanks for the concern," Alexa shot back, her voice dripping with sarcasm of her own. "Just had a rough night."

Ammielle raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity breaking through her usually stoic demeanor. "Rough night? What happened? You lose a bet or something?"

Alexa clenched her jaw, feeling the familiar irritation that always accompanied her interactions with Ammielle. "If you must know, I broke up with Bryan last night."

Ammielle's expression remained unreadable, but there was a brief flicker of something in her eyes. "Good riddance," she said, her tone harsh. "He was an idiot."

Alexa's patience was wearing thin. "You know, you could try being a little less rude. Not everything requires a snarky comment."

Ammielle shrugged, returning her attention to her laptop. "I'm just being honest. If you can't handle that, it's not my problem."

Alexa took a deep breath, reminding herself that lashing out wouldn't solve anything. "Look, I came here to unwind, not to argue with you. Can we just coexist peacefully for once?"

Ammielle's fingers paused on the keyboard, and for a moment, Alexa thought she might actually apologize. But instead, Ammielle just nodded slightly. "Fine. As long as you don't expect me to hold your hand or anything."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Alexa muttered, turning her attention back to her screen.

The two of them sat in silence for a while, each absorbed in their own work. Despite the initial friction, there was an unspoken understanding between them, a truce of sorts. Alexa found herself surprisingly comforted by Ammielle's presence, even if the other woman was as prickly as ever.

After about an hour, Alexa's phone buzzed with a message from her father. She glanced at it, a small smile tugging at her lips. Her father had sent a picture of their dog, along with a message that simply read, "Thinking of you."

Ammielle glanced over, noticing the change in Alexa's expression. "Something funny?"

"Just a message from my father," Alexa said, the annoyance in her voice replaced by a touch of warmth. "He knows how to cheer me up."

Ammielle didn't respond, but she didn't make any snide remarks either. Instead, she went back to her work, and the two of them continued to sit in companionable silence.

The next day at the university, the atmosphere in the classroom was tense. Ammielle and Alexa were seated across the room from each other, still riding the uneasy truce from their encounter at the café. Alexa was trying to focus on the lecture, but her mind kept drifting back to the events of the previous night.

Alycia entered the room, her eyes immediately finding Ammielle. Her expression softened for a moment before she resumed her authoritative demeanor. She had always taken Ammielle's welfare personally, partly because of their shared history and partly because she saw potential in her that Ammielle seemed determined to squander.

"Alright, class," Alycia began, her voice carrying a mix of sternness and concern. "Today, we're going to delve deeper into the psychological elements of character development. But first, let's address the upcoming film project."

Ammielle rolled her eyes subtly, her disdain for Alycia's authoritative style evident. Alexa noticed this and sighed inwardly, knowing that another round of banter between the two was inevitable.

"Ammielle, could you please share your storyboard with the class?" Alycia asked, her tone calm but with an edge that hinted at their underlying tension.

Ammielle stood up, her hands empty. "I didn't prepare a storyboard," she said bluntly, avoiding Alycia's gaze.

Alycia's eyes narrowed slightly, but she kept her voice steady. "Ammielle, it's important to come prepared. Visual storytelling is a craft that requires precision and a deep understanding of human emotions."

Ammielle shrugged. "I'll get it done by next class."

"See that you do," Alycia replied, her tone a mix of disappointment and determination. "We need everyone's best efforts on this project."

It was clear she was trying to reach out to Ammielle, but Ammielle's walls were impenetrable.

As the class progressed, Alexa found herself stealing glances at Ammielle. Despite the rudeness, something was intriguing about her—a depth that Alexa wanted to understand.

After the lecture, Alycia approached Ammielle. "Can we talk for a moment?"

Ammielle sighed. "What now, Alycia?"

Alycia's eyes softened. "I'm concerned about you, Ammielle. I know you think I'm just a thorn in your side, but I genuinely care about your welfare. When will you accept that everything was put behind our past and I am simply trying to be around you."

Ammielle's expression hardened. "I don't need your pity. I'm doing just fine on my own."

"Ammielle, it's not about pity. If you allowed yourself to shut the whole world down, please not this time" Alycia said, her voice gentle but firm.

Ammielle looked away, her jaw clenched. "You don't understand. You never will."

Alycia sighed, watching Ammielle walk away. She knew that breaking through to her would be a long and difficult journey, but she was determined not to give up.

Later that week, as they were discussing the initial plans for their film project, Alexa and Ammielle found themselves working closely together. The atmosphere was a mix of awkwardness and growing comfort. Despite Ammielle's rough exterior, Alexa noticed moments of genuine concern and care, especially when it came to ensuring the safety and well-being of their classmates during the planning stages.

One afternoon, as they were discussing a particularly complex scene, Alexa accidentally knocked over a stack of papers. Ammielle was quick to react, helping her pick them up.

"Careful," she said, her voice gruff but with a hint of worry. "You could've messed up our notes."

Alexa, surprised by the unexpected show of concern, managed a small smile. "Thanks, Ammielle. I appreciate it."

Ammielle just shrugged, her eyes darting away. "Just looking out for the project."

Despite her words, Alexa could sense the genuine care behind them. It was these small moments that slowly started to bridge the gap between them, creating a foundation of mutual respect and understanding, even if it was buried under layers of sarcasm and rudeness.

Meanwhile, Alycia continued to keep a watchful eye on Ammielle, trying to balance her concern with the need to give Ammielle space. In class, Alycia's attempts to get through to Ammielle often led to light banter, but Alycia remained determined, her care for Ammielle rooted in their past and the potential she saw in her.

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