Echoes of Regret

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I have been laying on bed for more than half an hour now. Not to try to sleep for another 8 hours nor make a snow angel because obviously I AM ON BED; I am not even trying to look for a comfortable sleeping position for a discovery prize nor see if I need more pillow. Not even waiting for a ghost that has been watching me for who knows how long to bring me back to my senses.

It is something else that I have been trying to forget. Much deeper that I would want to hit by a car or bump my head to just have amnesia. What ifs, could bes, could've beens; all in one memory.

Had I not suffered enough? Will today be a bit better?

"Ammielle!" That's my cue.

"What's taking you so long?! Are you a pregnant woman about to give birth?" Who the fck impregnates a man? "Don't you know how to wear a bra? Why do you always do this to me?!!! Only the seniors, disabled and pregnant have the right to be this slow. You are none of those but you will be if I hit you with a metal tube six times just to be sure." Cassidy, a sister you are willing to sell in Amazon for a few bucks.

"You already slowed the world for existing. Won't you do something about it?!" She yelled from the other side of the door.

Cassidy might the person you will need at anything but I am willing to trade her for a thousand dollar earbuds. If words are measured per minute the way they do in the typing test, she must have broken hundreds of world record- even eardrums. She's at the same level as a machine gun. But even so, I am hopeful for this world to at least regain its quietness. Before I finally got out of my room, I checked if I have everything. Seeking help is the last thing I would do in this world.

Cassidy continued her lecture. The school year had not officially started but I already had enough. Plugged in my earphones as I walked to the car.

Cassidy's Punctuality Address already filled the first few minute ride.

I stopped by the mini mart for a break and grabbed a milk to take on the way. It is not over yet. The more you upset the child, the longer the talk you'll receive. She got mums feature already, at least the silent personality from our late father would be better.

"Good day, people of Earth-99. A score and a year ago, my parents brought forth in this galaxy a child. The cause of my misery; puts me behind people my age. Now, I am engaged in civil war, trying whether I can do something about it, or at least anyone who can endure." And so the speech goes on to humiliate me as if thousands of people are in the car. She just talks so loud that it got through my earphones.

I dropped her not far from the entrance where her friends are waiting. "Wake up early if you don't want me to take this car and leave you for school." She said as she got out and slammed the door.

Aish! After a few years of being homeschooled, the WORLD finally gave in and now it is my fault. The sun is awake but not up. I still have time. I parked my car and stayed a little. Once I set my feet out, I don't know if it will all be the same. I don't know if all these would be better. There's no escape on the same memory I always had since I regained consciousness.

Three years is a long time but I could sometimes feel the softness of her skin beneath my finger tips. The feeling as my fingers weaved through her hair. I could recall the feeling when she pressed her lips against mine. The feeling of Mikaella's arms wrapped around me. A home in the shape of a human.

Took a huge breath before leaving the car and headed to the building where I shouldn't be. If I had enrolled myself, they would have given it to me long ago. The hall could hold a hundred students. In front of it was the entrance of the university swarmed by students. The buildings are old but earthquake-proof engineered with Renaissance Revival style and in my opinion, it still complies in todays National Building Code. The walls are covered with different varieties of vines like it was a part of it and some areas are covered in moss. The trees that separates the driveway were huge as if it was planted years ago intentionally. There were antique-themed signs of buildings. Even trash cans were deformed. The university itself speaks for peace but the noise from the crowd is another thing. I stood behind the woman while finalizing the photo I took on the way to this building as I waited for my turn.

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