The Ties That Bind

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As the cameras rolled and Ahia and I began our intense aerial sequence, the room held its breath. The choreography demanded everything we had left to give, and for a moment, it seemed we were handling it well. However, mid-scene, Ahia lost her balance slightly, causing a ripple of concern among the crew.

"Ahia, steady yourself!" Cody called out, his voice filled with urgency.

Ahia gritted her teeth, readjusting her position in the harness. "I'm good, just a slip."

Meanwhile, as I moved through my part of the sequence, a loose lock on my harness caused me to collide with the support tube, eliciting a sharp gasp from the crew.

Fck fck fck!

"Alexa! Are you alright?" Ammielle's voice cut through the tension, her concern palpable.

"I'm okay," I reassured, rubbing my side where the impact had hit.

Ammielle exchanged worried glances with Kath, who was monitoring the scene closely. "Maybe we should take a break, and reassess the equipment," Kath suggested, her brow furrowed with concern.

Cody nodded, signaling for the cameras to stop rolling. "Let's get them down safely. Safety first, everyone."

As Ahia and I were carefully lowered back to the ground, the crew gathered around, checking on our well-being. Ahia took a deep breath, shaking off the adrenaline.

"Sorry about that," she said, her voice apologetic. "Just lost my footing for a second."

"No worries, Ahia. We'll make sure everything's secure before we continue," Cody assured her, his tone firm but reassuring.

Still rubbing my side, I smiled weakly at Ammielle. "Guess we're keeping things interesting, huh?"

Ammielle sighed with relief. "Are you alright?"

"I am, thanks," I promised, appreciating Ammielle's concern.

"Are you not gonna check on me, babe?" Ahia teased.

"You can even take yourself home after a few shots." Ammielle flicked Ahia's forehead, checking every part of Ahia.

"Love you too," Ahia said sweetly.

I couldn't help but notice the way Ammielle's concern for Ahia seemed to extend beyond the usual boundaries of friendship. The gentle way she touched Ahia's forehead, the genuine relief in her eyes—it was different. There was something more there, something deeper. A pang of jealousy flickered inside me. Why couldn't I be the one Ammielle paid such close attention to? The thought surprised me, making me feel a bit silly and embarrassed, but it was there nonetheless.

After a brief equipment check and adjustments made by the crew, Cody gave the go-ahead to resume filming. Once the scene was completed, albeit with heightened awareness from everyone, the crew let out a collective sigh of relief.

As the team began to pack up, I checked my phone, my expression shifting to one of frustration.

"What's wrong?" Ammielle asked in a hoarse voice, noticing the change in my demeanor.

"My driver took a day off" I sighed. "Looks like I'm taking a cab."

"Well, I can take you home," Ammielle offered without hesitation.

I looked relieved. "Are you sure? I don't want to impose. Don't you have a woman to take home?"

"Yeah. That's why I'm taking you home."

I couldn't quite figure Ammielle out. Sometimes she argued with me, other times she agreed. Her moods swung like a pendulum, leaving me constantly guessing. This young lady right here was a puzzle wrapped in contradictions, and right now, I was too exhausted to try and decipher her.

"I mean, i-in your place. It's no trouble at all," Ammielle assured me. "Besides, I could use the company."

Ahia, overhearing the conversation, chimed in with a grin. "Are you feeling better now, babe?"

"Enough to take me home. Thank you. Give me a call when you arrive."

"You do the same. Okay?" Ahia asked for assurance.

Ammielle smiled, giving her a quick hug. "I will, Ahia. Drive safe."

"You too, babe," Ahia teased, giving Ammielle a forehead kiss.

Ammielle rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Ewww."

Watching their interaction, I felt that twinge of jealousy again. They had a bond that was clearly special, and while I was grateful for Ammielle's concern, I couldn't help but wish I had that kind of closeness with her. As we walked to Ammielle's car, I resolved to push those feelings aside

I went ahead to the driver's side. "Give me your keys, Ammielle. Let me at least drive for you." She looked at me with tired eyes, the faintest hint of a smile playing on her lips.

Ammielle was clearly not well. The weather earlier had triggered her allergies, leaving her with a runny nose and a congested voice. Every now and then, she'd sniffle or dab at her nose with a tissue. Her movements were careful, almost delicate, as if she were trying not to jostle herself too much. I could see the exhaustion in her posture, the way she leaned slightly against the car for support.

"You sure about that?" she asked, her voice hoarse. "I can manage."

"Absolutely," I insisted. "You need to rest. Come on, hand them over."

With a resigned sigh, Ammielle fished her keys out of her bag and handed them to me. "Fine, but if you crash my car, I'm blaming you."

I chuckled, taking the keys. "You know I can buy you a new one."


As we drove through the quiet streets, a comfortable silence settled between us. The intensity of the day's shoot had left us both reflective, but also closer, having shared a moment of raw vulnerability on set.

"The scene earlier, it felt real," I broke the silence, hoping to engage Ammielle and keep her awake.

"Hmmyah. Me too," she whispered, her voice barely audible as she faced the door.

"You're sleeping, aren't you?"

The quietness that followed was a clear indication of Ammielle's exhaustion. I glanced over at her and saw her eyes closed, her breathing slow and steady. She looked so worn out, and I felt a pang of worry.

I reached over and gently placed my palm on her forehead. Shit. She was burning up. My mind raced as I realized we were still 20 minutes away from her place.

"We're almost there." I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

She murmured something unintelligible, barely opening her eyes. I pressed the accelerator a bit harder, trying to shave off some time without being reckless. I kept glancing over at her, my worry growing with each passing minute.

"Come on, Ammielle, are you seriously gonna make me responsible?" I muttered under my breath. I reached for her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We're almost home. Just a little bit longer."

The drive seemed to stretch on forever, the minutes ticking by painfully slowly. I kept talking to her, hoping my voice would keep her somewhat alert. Finally, I saw the familiar street leading to our house.

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