Feeling a little something

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The doctor came back and as the doctor finished his examination, he looked up at Alycia. "She's stable for now, but she needs rest and fluids. Keep an eye on her back, she might have a dried sweat, it could cause pneumonia., and if her condition worsens, we might need to reconsider the hospital."

Alycia nodded. "Thank you, doctor. We'll take care of her."

I carefully got up and went to the kitchen, my mind replaying the night's events. Ammielle's mumbles and the soft kisses on my temple stirred something deeper within me, making me smile involuntarily.

"What got you smiling like that? Has she awakened?" Alycia's voice startled me as she sat casually on the counter.

"Holy! How did you get in?"

"I have my ways. Join me for breakfast."

"It's just, I never expect you to be here. My apologies, professor,"

"Ammielle is a priority. Don't you have somewhere to be, Miss De Costas?"

A loud groan was heard from Ammielle's room. She must have awakened. Alycia and I bumped into each other as we rushed to Ammielle's room.

Ammielle was in her boxers and a t-shirt, her hair half a mess, but she was undeniably hot. She was rummaging through her closet with an intensity that suggested she was looking for something important. Clothes were scattered all over the floor, the bed was a disaster zone with sheets and blankets tangled in a heap.

Her dresser drawers were half-open, with socks and underwear spilling out, and a couple of drawers looked like they had been yanked out entirely in her frantic search. Several prescription pill bottles that looked like they had been knocked over in her rage. A lamp was tilted at an odd angle as if it had been pushed aside carelessly.

"What are you doing? Get back to your bed, now," Alycia demanded, her voice sharp and authoritative.

Ammielle turned to face us, her eyes wild with frustration and anger. "I need to find it!" she snapped, continuing her frantic search.

"Ammielle, you need to rest," I said, trying to keep my voice calm and soothing.

Ammielle snapped, "Yeah, tell that to someone who was scared to be left."

Alycia grabbed Ammielle's arm, trying to drag her back to bed. The physical exchange was intense and unsettling. Should I witness this? Is this right?

"Stop, both of you!" I screamed.

Ammielle yanked herself free from Alycia, continuing her frantic search. "Ammielle, tell us what you're looking for. You're turning this room into a mess." I continued.

"You're dealing with a living mess. This should be nothing to you."

"Where is it?!" Ammielle continued grunting.

I walked towards Ammielle, gently turning her to face me. I wasn't used to this kind of scenario. My eyes were sparkling with tears, ready to let loose. "Tell me," I whispered, pleading.

Ammielle pushed me out of her way, tossing items around the room in her desperation.

"Don't make me hurt you. Let me take care of you!" Alycia screamed her voice more like a desperate plea.

"The necklace! If you want to be of help, find it," Ammielle said, her voice void of emotion as she looked directly at Alycia.

Alycia and I exchanged a quick, understanding glance. "What does it look like?" I asked softly, trying to calm her down.

"It's a gold box chain with an hourglass pendant," Alycia whispered, her voice tinged with frustration.

"Oh," I spoke guiltily.

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