Tension & Trust

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It sounds like the class is deeply engaged in their filmmaking project, despite the challenges they're facing. Cody, as the director, is guiding a crucial scene where Ahia, Jago, and others converge between their worlds, a scene enhanced by the use of harnesses to emphasize the sci-fi elements of the story. Kath, Venice and Lin are managing wardrobe and scene sequencing, ensuring continuity and order. Ryan, Ron, and Neve are handling the technical aspects, despite their complaints about the demanding nature of the mic and light duties. Ammielle, though quieter, is attentive and ready to adapt to script revisions necessitated by the limited cast. Meanwhile, Alexa is brainstorming a different ending.

"Ahia, move closer to Jago, give your most fierce look," Cody said through the telecom.

"What are your inten--"

"Cut!" Cody shouted, frustrated.

"Hide the innocent look, Ahia. This is the third time already!"

"Give them a break. We've been filming for almost four hours straight, Reacher." Ammielle spoke heading towards Ahia.

"We have a timeline to keep up with. You of all people should know that," Cody shot back, annoyed.

"Are you alright?" Ammiele asked walking towards Ahia.

"The height is a bit uncomfortable. I cannot compose myself," Ahia said shyly.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Ammielle asked, concerned.

Ahia kept silent, calming her nerves.

Alexa, witnessing the exchange, groaned and made her way to the cool box they brought picking up a Coke. "Shall we resume?" she said, annoyed.

The cast gladly went back to their markers when Ammielle suggested they take an angle from below so no one had to bear the discomfort of the harness.

"The angle is much better when they are naturally floating," Alexa shot back.

"I will not let Ahia put on the harness. We can set up a table and shoot the scene from below," Ammielle insisted.

"Why does it always have to do with Ahia? It's just for a few minutes if she could act it right."

"Do you want this to be about you?"

"We are wasting time," Alexa replied.

"Is arguing with you right here a family bonding then?" Ammielle said calmly, teasing Alexa.

Entertained, Cody took the chance to resume with Ammielle's plan, saying, "Alright everyone, enough with the lover's quarrel you--"

"Shut up!" both Alexa and Ammielle said in unison.

"Whatever!" Cody replied happily.

"Seiji, focus your camera on their expression. A little farther, Gaijin." Cody directed.

"And cut!" Cody explained with exhaustion.

Wrapping up the set before moving to another location, Ryan and Neve removed the safety harness. Unaware that the cable was not yet detached, Neve removed the lock, causing the heavy harness to fall toward Alexa. With quick reflexes, Ammielle pushed Alexa out of the way, causing her to bump her head on the wall.

"Ammielle!" Alexa snapped as she walked over, and Pak!—a hard slap landed on Ammielle's face.

Everyone was surprised at Alexa's action; she had never been known to do such a thing.

Ryan stepped forward, trying to defuse the situation. "Alexa, wait! Ammielle just saved you. The harness was about to fall on you!"

Alexa paused, a mix of confusion and anger on her face. "Saved me? By pushing me into a wall? And had my head kissed the concrete?"

Ammielle rubbed her cheek, clearly hurt but calm. "What a lucky concrete."

Alexa, still fuming, tried to process this. "You could have just shouted a warning!"

"And give you time to look up and get hit? Sure, that would have worked perfectly," Ammielle retorted sarcastically.

Kath chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. "You two bicker like a couple."

Ron laughed, "Yeah, seriously. Can we get back to work, or should we get some popcorn for this drama?"

Alexa and Ammielle glared at each other, but a small smile tugged at Ammielle's lips. "Truce?"

Alexa sighed, rolling her eyes. "Deal. But next time, warn me before you save my life."

Ammielle grinned.

Cody clapped his hands, "Alright, lovebirds. You can eye-fuck each other later. You both are on. Lin, kindly prep these two," Cody asked pushing the two are the dressing area.

The rain poured steadily as the scene unfolded, creating a dramatic backdrop for the confrontation between Alexa and Ammielle's characters. The instructors, including Prof. Alycia, the Dean, Dr. Karsnov, and two others, watched intently

Ammielle's character stood firm, her maroon coat billowing slightly in the wind, her high bun giving her a poised and determined look. Alexa's character, with her messy bun and navy blue jumpsuit, looked equally resolute, the camera eyeglasses adding a futuristic touch to her appearance.

"Confrontation dinner, Act 7, take 1," Venice cued, holding the clapboard.

"And action!" Cody signaled.

Ammielle's character took a step forward, her voice cutting through the sound of the rain. "You can't just walk away from this. We need to face the truth, no matter how painful it is."

Alexa's character looked away, her jaw clenched. "And what truth is that? That everything we worked for was a lie? That our whole mission was a setup?"

Ammielle's character's eyes softened for a moment. "No, the truth that we've been manipulated. But we still have a chance to change things. Together."

Alexa's character turned back, her expression conflicted. "Together? After everything that's happened, you still trust me?"

"I trust you because I know you," Ammielle's character said firmly. "I know we're better together than apart."

For a moment, there was silence, only the rain filling the air. The tension between the characters was palpable, their emotions raw and real.

On the other hand, the words Ammielle had spoken continued to echo in Alycia's mind, each one striking her with a painful clarity. The lines. Those were the exact words her cousin had told Ammielle. Those were her words.

Alycia stood off to the side, watching the scene unfold. The realization of Ammielle's emotions, mirrored in the script, hit her with a profound sense of guilt and understanding.

Alexa's character took a deep breath and moved closer to Ammielle. "Alright. But we do this my way." There she realized Ammielle's cheeks was swollen by her slap.

Ammielle's character nodded. "Agreed. But no more secrets."

"No more secrets," Alexa's character echoed, her resolve clear.

"Cut!" Cody shouted, pleased with the performance.

"Shall we continue the next scene? Or a little break?" Venice asked.

"How many scenes do we have left, Ven?" Alexa asked exhaustedly.

"Six more, Al," Venice replied, glancing down at her notes.

"Here, have a drink. We have a long day ahead," Ammielle offered, handing Alexa an opened bottle of water.

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