Chapter 22

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Green and I were told to step into the ring........

I could hear my heart beats.
I could hear Sam speak with one of his guests that came to watch the match.
Looking at my opponent, I felt her confidence ooze. She's definitely one of the volunteers that was ready to forget her old life.

After the gong sounded for us to fight, we circled the the ring slowly trying to guage each other.

"What is this?" One of the spectators said, irritated. " I didn't leave my home to come watch bitches circle the ring" And with that statement, Green lunged at me, she immediately brought my face down to her knee and blood flowed freely from my nose because of the impact.

Ignoring the excruciating pain while using my mouth to breathe, I grabbed the same leg that hit my nose and flung her. I guess she was surprised because she just lay on the floor.

I used the few seconds of hesitation to pounce on her. By now, our spectators were cheering us. I started punching Green's face since I was quite pissed that she kneed me on the face.

All of a sudden, she flipped me and started punching me on the face too. I managed to push her off and we circled each other again. My head was spinning and I could feel my blood dripping through my nose, bloodying my lips. My head felt like a mad house.
Green didn't look any better, an eye was swollen shut already.

At this point we were both exhausted but Green looked so angry that if looks could kill, I would be dead already. I guess she didn't expect me to put up much of a fight.

Green pounced on me again and pushed me down. I tried fighting her off but she was too strong, she started punching me in the face over and over and I started screaming and shaking trying to get her off me.

A loud bang startled us signaling the end of the fight. Green looked at Sam beside the gong in surprise. Her face saying what I didn't have the strength to say. How was the fight over? Who won?

"Okay so I know you lot have questions but in a never happened, never gonna happen again incident, you four have passed on to become recruits".

After Sam's announcement, all of the guests started yelling. "WHAT IS THIS SAM?" A large ugly man shouted and pointed towards Green and I in the fighting ring.

"YOU AND EVERYONE HERE KNOW GREEN WAS ABOUT TO WIN THE FIGHT. WHY DID YOU BRING ME ALL THE WAY TO WATCH A BLOODLESS FIGHT?" I nervously wiped my bloody mouth. Ugly guy called this fight bloodless????

Many of the murmuring guests copied large ugly man and began shouting.

"Shut up you fools" Sam said in a deadly and calm voice. All of a sudden, his voice went up "I AM THE SOLE OWNER OF THIA ORGANIZATION AND YOU WOULDN'T TELL ME HOW TO RUN IT". His voice went down several octaves again.

"Strength isn't necessarily defined by physical attributes and I am a present example of this. I know what I see in Red and she shows a lot of strength"
I looked up at Sam in surprise from my laid down position and blushed. I really don't know why Sam is standing up for me.

"Do you remember why we're doing this? Do you remember the kinds of soldiers were looking for?
Do you want a soldier like Orange who tried cheating his way in last week?
RED was the one who discovered this.
Do you want a wise strategic soldier or a half assed soldier with no honor?"
Now I guess we know the fourth recruit and why Silver was brought out with us today.

"So Dave, you have insulted me, my organization and all that I stand for and it is the very thing I can't and wouldn't tolerate" Sam calmly said while walking slowly towards Dave, his quiet voice ringing throughout the hall. I stared in fear for Dave silently willing him to take back his words and apologize. A calm Sam is a crazy Sam.

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