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Authors Note
Hey guys, this is my first time writing a book here. So I'm going to try my best making this story good. My characters are a figment of my imagination and not related in any way to real people so I apologise in advance for any coincidence. This book is a werewolf story, there might be clichés, there might not be.
This story would definitely not follow the normal werewolf stories because it's my imagination and that how I want it to be.
I really hope you guys enjoy this story.


Bing!!!!!!!! Bing!!!!!!!!! Bing!!!!!!!! Bi.........., I sigh and put off the alarm, get up and go to the bathroom to do my business, I have to get ready for school on time else Jeanine is going to have my head. "Jade! Jade! Ja_,oh you're awake" speak of the devil.

Ohh, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Jade, I have brown skin color and curly black hair, Jeanine says that I'm beautiful but I think not, you should see me when I just wake up, I'm 5'8 kind of just in between, I love chocolate like I absolutely adore chocolate but Jeanine hates it, imagine the monster!

Well not to digress, Jeanine is my cousin who I came to live with after the death of my parents. Jeanine is just a pain in my ass "Jeanine! Why do you have to yell, your voice is more than loud enough for me to hear you when you call me" I yell at her. Cliché right?

"Hmmn" she scoffed, "says the person yelling right now. It's kind of like calling the frying pan black".

"Whatever, and it's kind of like a pot calling the kettle black, not whatever words you just strung up now", with what I said ,she jumped on me and we started a pillow fight, God this girl should join a wrestling team, she's so strong.

"Jeanine!!!!! Jade!!!!!! Do not tell me you guys are fighting or whatever play you guys call it nowadays, you're late for school!!!!". We immediately stopped wrestling when we heard Jeanine's dad. Trying to stop our giggling, we made our way downstairs. It's just an observation but it's kind of harder to control your laughter when you want to.

"Jeanine!!!!! Jade!!!!!! Do not make me come up there!!!! " . Jeanine and I immediately ran downstairs, it was like running from monsters except we're running to an almost monster. Don't mistake me but since Jeanine's mother died, her father became extra strict not that he wasn't strict before, but this was just over the top. I think of running away but then how would Jeanine cope? We only have each other. We finally get downstairs, get breakfast ready and start eating.

"I want you girls to be on your best behavior in school today, I don't want to get anymore calls about either of you getting in trouble, you hear me?" Uncle John said, glaring at me especially.

I blushed, putting my head down, trying to use my hair to cover my face which doesn't make sense because my hair is kinda short. I don't know why I'm always the one to blame though, I obviously couldn't take Hades bullying me. Honestly, his behavior is as bad as his name is. We hate each other so much that when it comes to group work in class, our teachers know to separate us.

Hades and I have this fight where we "mistakenly" set traps for each other all the time. How was I to know he is allergic to shellfish? (I put diced shrimps in his lunch today at break when he wasn't looking). Loooooool, I knew that, you have to know your enemies weaknesses to defeat them. The first few minutes when his lips got swollen was so funny until he couldn't breathe. I hate him but I don't hate him that much to kill him.

"Yes sir" Jeanine and I said at the same time.

We finish breakfast and leave for Fangborn high school, weird name right? Yeah, I also thought so when I moved here after my parents death. When we get to school, we greet our friends: Mike, Ronan and Rebecca.

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