Chapter 2

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Hello guys, up there is how I imagine Jade looks like. It's not a set in stone face, you can imagine your own Jade

🌼Jade Collins🌼
After Hades stalked out, I humphed and I went to seat at a table to eat my lunch. Lunch was kind of uneventful without Hades, nobody to pull pranks on. I smiled thinking about my next prank.
"Uh oh, that's her prank face" Ronan says.
I smile sheepishly and bite into my apple.
"Do tell us what it is Jade" Rebecca said coming too close for comfort.
I swear, this girl's quest for knowing things knows no bounds.
I calmly push her back to her seat.
"You're going to see it when I do it" I smile triumphantly.
"Oh God, this is gonna be a bad idea" Mike said readjusting his glasses.
"Nah, this is gonna be the best prank ever" I say.
"Whatever you do, just don't make us get grounded again" Jeanine frowned.
I grinned at her.
"Oh no, this is really gonna turn out bad" Ronan said, looking at me weirdly.
I could've sworn I saw him fist his hands, he's angry at something.
"Ronan, is everything alright?"I ask him
"Umm,'s........fine..........its fine" he stammered.
"Nah, that's not your you're fine face, what's wrong?" I ask him.
"Jade, do you like Hades?" I frowned. Immediately he asked that question,  I heard the scraping of chairs. Hades friends, Luke and Jesse come to greet us and the bell rang signalling the end of lunch.
"Ronan, what were you saying?" I asked as we walked to our next class.
"Just forget it" he said and walked on to class.
"What's wrong with him?" I asked the rest of the group feeling hurt.
"Nothing you should worry yourself about" Jeanine said looking at Mike and Rebecca with a knowing look.
We get to the next class and settle down for Art and the rest of the day went on annoying actually.
Hades wasn't here to take my mind off my wandering thoughts. Now that I think of it, he's actually quite useful for some things.
Ronan was avoiding me like the plague.
Mike, Rebecca and Jeanine had to be middle men. I don't know what was wrong with him and I'm going to get to the bottom of it. I would give him some days though. I smile to myself, more like some hours.................
When it was time to go home, I went to challenge Ronan.
"Hello Ronan, do you care to explain your behaviour towards me?" He ignores me. I keep on goading him and he just slams his locker and walked out. By now I was really hurt, tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.
"What did I do wrong?" I asked my friends. They shook their heads, looking at me and the path Ronan took home.
"Let's go home Jade" Jeanine said holding me. I nodded and sniffed angrily, these tears wouldn't fall. If that's how Ronan wants it, that's what he's going to get.
We go to the car park and go our separate ways. Jeanine and me in her car, Mike and Rebecca in his car.
When we get home, we go up to our rooms. I just wanted to be alone at this point. I think Jeanine understood so she didn't bother talking to me.
Uncle John got back from work after some unproductive hours of trying to sleep. Ummmph,turning around on my bed, I found out I was getting nowhere with this sleep I was trying to get. I went downstairs to prepare dinner to get myself busy. I greeted Uncle John and as usual, no reply came from him. It's like talking to a brick wall. I don't know what I did to him. Infact, I don't know what I do to people, for example, Ronan doesn't want to talk to me. I face palm. "Stop slouching" Uncle John chided me. Oh for God's sake, I rolled my eyes turning around making dinner. This man is like a soldier, always drilling war methods into my brain like we're at war.
"Jade, tomorrow by 5am, were going to have exercises to keep our bodies fit". Uncle John said.
"Yes sir" I replied and he turned his frown back to what he was writing. I really don't know what happened to Uncle John, ever since Aunt May died along with my parents, he has been extremely strict, protective(he never allows me go out on my own, even to school or the yoghurt place close to the house), grumpy, sad, angry at me. I know he wishes I was the one that died instead of Aunt May, trust me, I feel that way too because I miss my parents and I'm just guilty of seeing Jeanine and Uncle John sad all the time. The accident happened like this. I wasn't meant to go to school that fateful day because I had a cold, but I finally convinced my parents to let me go to school as we were having a big art presentation. According to the story Jeanine told me, Aunt May went to visit my parents and decided to tag along to pick me from school ( which was kind of weird because if my parents were to pick me from school, they would've called). They all died in a car crash coming to pick me. All because of me. I felt a prickly kind of pain on my hand, only to notice I've been squeezing the knife I was holding, I let it clatter on the floor still in shock.
What happened to Jade?

What happened to Jade?

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