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ATTENTION : hi so new plan I'll be updating the story on every Wednesday but i already have multiple chapters done so yeah enjoy these heartbreaking chapters in the meanwhile 🙃


Months have passed since that fateful night, and Taylor has buried herself in her work. She's deep in the process of writing and recording her latest album, the themes and sounds of "Reputation".

As Taylor pours her emotions and experiences into the lyrics of her songs, it's clear that many of them are inspired by her relationship with Jade.

Taylor looks up from her notebook, surprised to see her team suddenly bustling into Jade's warehouse, carrying a small basket between them. She watches as the basket is carefully placed on a nearby table, and the team steps back to reveal a small baby wrapped in a blanket.

"What's going on?" Taylor asks, her voice filled with confusion. "Who's baby is this?"

Jade appears behind Taylor, her hands on her hips as she looks at the baby with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, that," she says, her voice nonchalant. "That's just a little bit of collateral. Someone owes me some money, and they haven't paid up yet. So I took something precious instead."

Taylor's eyes widen, and she looks at Jade in shock and disbelief. "You mean... you took..." she trails off, her mind struggling to process what she's just heard.

Jade shrugs, completely unfazed. "Yeah, no biggie," she says. "It'll motivate the guy to pay up a lot faster now, trust me."

Taylor looks back at the baby, her heart breaking at the thought of the innocent child being used as leverage. "But... but.... it's a baby," she protests weakly. "You can't just take a baby as payment!"

Jade rolls her eyes, her irritation clear. "Why not?" she asks, her voice sharp. "It's just business. The guy needs to learn a lesson, and this is the best way to teach it. He'll get his baby back once he pays me what he owes."

Taylor's mind races, her heart torn between her love for Jade and her instinct to protect the innocent baby. But before she can protest further, the baby starts to cry, its tiny voice breaking the silence in the room.

"Ugh," Jade mutters, her annoyance growing. "Will it shut up? It's giving me a headache."

Taylor's protective instincts kick in, and she steps closer to the baby, picking it up and cradling it gently in her arms. She rocks it back and forth, shushing it softly to try and soothe it.

The baby calms down a little, its cries slowly fading to soft hiccups. Taylor looks down at the tiny, innocent face, her heart swelling with compassion.

"Wait," Taylor says, looking up at her Jade's team. "Did you bring any baby supplies with you? Diapers, formula, anything like that?"

One of the team members steps forward, holding out a small bag. "Yes, we did."

Taylor takes the bag and sets it down next to her, opening it up to find a few diapers, a bottle of formula, and a pack of baby wipes. She sighs in relief, glad that at least the baby's immediate needs would be met.

Jade walks over to them, her mind still stuck on the business deal. "How much has he paid so far?" she asks, her eyes narrowing.

One of the team members steps forward, pulling out a small notebook. "He's paid about half of what he owes you," he says, flipping through the pages. "But he's struggling to come up with the rest."

Jade's expression darkens immediately, her irritation growing. "Half? That's it?" she asks, her voice laced with annoyance. "What a useless bastard."

"We've been trying to get the rest out of him," the team member says quickly, his voice nervous. "But he says he's having money problems."

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅 - 𝑻𝑺 𝒘𝒍𝒘 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 🖤🤍Where stories live. Discover now