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Taylor shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her eyes anxiously darting around the dimly lit bar. Her friends had insisted she join them at this biker bar, she had reluctantly agreed.

She scanned the room and her gaze was suddenly captured by a pair of intense green eyes staring back at her.

A woman sat at the bar, her brown hair pulled back into a messy bun, and a leather jacket emphasizing her muscular physique.

The woman met her gaze with a small smirk, raising an eyebrow in challenge. Taylor quickly looked away, feeling her cheeks flush in embarrassment at being caught staring.
She took a sip of her drink, trying to act nonchalant, but she couldn't help sneaking glances back at the biker woman every few minutes.

As she sat there, feeling out of place in her casual clothes among the sea of leather and denim, Taylor began to notice something strange. The biker woman was staring back at her just as intently.

A few minutes later, the woman slowly rose from her seat at the bar and sauntered over to Taylor's table, her movements fluid and confident. She stopped right in front of Taylor, leaning against the table, and fixed her with a cocky grin. "You looking for something, love?" she asked, her deep voice sending shivers down Taylor's spine.

Taylor's heart leapt in her chest at the proximity of the biker woman, her pulse racing as she tried to come up with a response. "I-I... n-no... I was just... um..." she stuttered, cursing herself for being so hopelessly flustered.

The woman chuckled, clearly enjoying the effect she was having on Taylor. "Just being a little perv, were you?" she teased, her gaze roaming over Taylor's body appreciatively.

Taylor's face turned beet red at the woman's words, but despite her embarrassment, she found herself drawn to the biker woman's easy confidence and playful demeanor. "I wasn't... I mean, you just... I just..." she stammered, unable to find the words to explain herself.

The woman chuckled again, shaking her head. "Relax, love. I'm just messing with you." She sat down in the chair next to Taylor, stretching out her long legs. "I'm Jade."

Taylor's heart skipped a beat as she looked at Jade's muscular thighs, clad in tight jeans. She quickly snapped her gaze back up to Jade's face, trying to look casual. "Um... I'm Taylor."
Jade leaned back in her chair, studying Taylor for a moment. "Taylor," she repeated, rolling the name around in her mouth. "That's a pretty name. Suits you."

Taylor blushed under the weight of Jade's intense gaze, feeling both flustered and excited. "Thanks," she managed to squeak out, feeling like a nervous schoolgirl.

Just then, one of Taylor's friends appeared at her shoulder, breaking the spell between her and Jade. "Hey, Taylor, we're gonna head out. You coming?" the friend asked, clearly not noticing the atmosphere between the two women.

Taylor was torn, wanting to stay and continue talking to the captivating biker woman, but also not wanting to ditch her friends. She hesitated, her eyes flitting between Jade and her friend.
Jade, noticing her hesitation, spoke up. "Why don't you stay for a bit?" she suggested, her tone casual but her eyes filled with an unspoken dare.

Taylor's friend raised an eyebrow at Jade, sizing her up with a critical eye. "Who's your friend, Tay?" the friend asked, her voice dripping with suspicion.
Jade simply smirked, clearly unbothered by the friend's attitude. "I'm Jade, love," she said, her voice dripping with easy confidence.

The friend turned back to Taylor, her expression skeptical. "You sure about this, Tay?" she asked, her protective instincts kicking in.

Taylor hesitated for a moment, considering her options. But the pull of the intriguing biker woman next to her was too strong to ignore. "Yeah, I'll be okay," she answered, her voice steady despite the fluttery feeling in her stomach.
The friend gave Jade one last suspicious look before sighing and walking away, clearly not happy with Taylor's decision.

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