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Just as the tension between Jade and Taylor is reaching a fever pitch, there's a sharp knock on the door of Jade's office.
Jade growls in irritation, her eyes narrowing as she curses the interruption.


The door opens, and one of her associates pokes his head in.

"Boss, we got a problem out here," he says, his tone urgent.

Jade scoffs and rolls her eyes, reluctantly pulling away from Taylor. "Can it wait?" she snaps. "I'm in the middle of something here."

The associate hesitates for a moment, clearly not wanting to anger Jade further, but the urgency of the situation is too great.

"Boss...we found Axel," he says gruffly. "We got him tied up in the warehouse. He's in pretty bad shape, but he ain't dying anytime soon."

Jade's expression changes at the news, her irritation turning to satisfaction in an instant.

Axel had been a thorn in her side for months, a traitor who had run off with a stash of her money and valuable information.

"Finally," she says, a smile creeping across her face."

Jade grins, her mind already working out a suitable punishment for Axel. "Tie him up," she orders, her voice cold. "Upside down. Make sure he's not going anywhere."

A few of her associates nod and shuffle out of the office, no doubt running off to carry out her orders. Jade turns back to Taylor, who is still sitting on the couch, looking a bit shell-shocked.

Jade strides over to her desk and opens the bottom drawer, rummaging around for a moment before pulling out a large, wicked-looking knife.

It's clearly well-used, with dents and chips in the blade that testify to its long history of use.
She holds it up for Taylor to see, spinning it in her hand with practiced ease.

Jade crosses back over to the couch and holds the knife out to Taylor, hilt first. "Hold this," she says, her voice hard. "I'm gonna need my hands free for what's about to happen."

Taylor swallows hard, her mind conjuring up all sorts of gruesome images of what Jade might be about to do. But she doesn't dare refuse, and slowly reaches out to take the knife from Jade's hand.

Jade and Taylor exit the office and make their way through the warehouse, towards the back where Axel is being held. The air is thick with tension, and the other associates fall silent as soon as Jade appears, their eyes lowered respectfully.
They make their way to a corner of the warehouse where a sturdy metal pole has been driven into the ground, securing Axel and holding him suspended upside down.

Jade approaches Axel slowly, a dark smile creeping across her face as she takes in the sight of him hanging there, vulnerable and helpless.
"Well, well, well," she says, her voice low. "Look who we have here."

Axel's face is bruised and bloodied, his eyes wild with fear. He struggles against his bonds, trying to lash out, but the rope around his wrists and ankles holds firm.

"J-J...Jade," he gasps, his voice hoarse. "Please..."

Jade chuckles, circling him slowly like a shark circling its prey. "Please what, Axel?" she asks, her tone mocking. "Please let you go? Please forgive you for betraying me and stealing from me? Sorry, sunshine. It's a bit too late for that."

"How's the view from up there?" Jade taunts, gesturing to Axel's inverted position. "I bet it sucks, huh? The blood rushing to your head, the world spinning around you...it must be rough."

Axel tries to spit at her, but he's too weak and the saliva just drools down his chin. "F...fuc...fuck you," he manages to stammer out.

Jade just laughs, unfazed by his vulgarity. "Good one, Axel," she says sarcastically. "I'll make sure they carve that on your gravestone. Along with 'traitor' and 'coward.'"

𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅 - 𝑻𝑺 𝒘𝒍𝒘 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 🖤🤍Where stories live. Discover now