intrusion of the peace

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Adelynn slowly crept towards the noise, holding her sword tightly.
"Who's there?!" She calls out "I am a princess and I command you to come out!" She tries to mask the fear in her voice but fails. She's afraid and whoever is in the bush knows it.
As she reaches the bush she extends her arm and moves a branch away from the bush, a little bunny jumps out startling her but she sighs in relief.
"It's just a little bunny...." She smiles and watches the bunny hop away.
She walks a little further into the woods quietly, she looks around feeling like she's being watched.
"Hello? Anyone there?" She says quietly.
No response. She sighs, she knows she's just being stupid, but something doesn't feel right.
Before she knows it she's too far into the woods. She looks around, she knows her way back but not very well, she tells herself she should go back but then she sees something in the tree.
A tall boy jumps out of the tree, and grins.
"Well hello princess adelynn." He leans close to her face.
"Prince Edward." She grimises and steps back "What are you doing here. This isn't your land!"
"It's not yours either, darling." He grins.
"No. But it's closer to mine than yours! Go home you freak!" She growls
"Now now. Watch your tongue princess." He takes her hand in his. "Let me show you something.."
Adelynn rolls her eyes but follows him anyway, he lifts her into the tree he jumped out of and helps her climb to the top. From the top of the tree the pair are able to see over the wall of the forbidden land, it's beautiful and wonderful but adelynn knows it's forbidden for a reason.
"Why are you showing me this Edward." She huffs.
"Because I know you're an adventurer. Think about it, you'd be the first person to explore it.." he grins.
"You know it's forbidden for anyone to go there." She looks away.
He nods and runs his hand along her back. She moves his hand away.
"Don't touch me you freak." She snaps.
"Princess I-" he tries to speak but she begins to climb down the tree.
"Adelynn? Adelynn be careful!" He says and tries to help her.
"No! I can do it myself! Leave me alone!" She says while still climbing down.
"Adelynn let me help you-" he tries to reach and help her but she smacks his hand away causing her to lose her grip and fall.
"ADELYNN!" he reaches out just in time and grabs her. He lifts her up to him and sighs. "Will you let me help you please."
"I would have been fine if you left me alone." She huffs but doesn't try to climb down herself again, he helps her climb down and smiles softly when they get to the ground.
"Tell anyone and I'll have you beheaded." She growls.
"Yes princess of course" he smiles.
She huffs and turns around.
"Heading home already?" He says.
"The sun will be up soon and I must be home by morning so yes." She begins walking.
"May I escort you?" He smiles.
"No." She says sharply.
"Alright alright, good bye princess adelynn." He sighs.
"Yeah whatever bye." She disappears in the trees.
Prince Edward smiles to himself, "shes so cute" and he walks home.

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