hideaway hut

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A week later Adelynn has still not been found. Edward reached out and explained the situation to her parents and they sent search parties out looking for her. Nobody's seen her since she ran off into the woods. Edward has been searching everywhere but still hasn't found her.
He decides to look in the far end of the forever forest. He slowly creeps through the bushes, until he gets to a small hut-like structure made of purely sticks and leaves. He sneaks in and notices adelynn's sword on the floor, he looks around for a while and finds more of her stuff in the hut.
Unbeknownst to Edward, adelynn stood at the entrance of the hut, watching him, leaning against the side of the entrance.
Edward inspected the hut some more before turning around and seeing adelynn.
"ADELYNN! oh my god! You're here! You're okay!" He runs to her and hugs her.
She doesn't move, she doesn't hug him nor does she push him away. She just stands there. After a while he lets her go.
"Everyone's been so worried. We've sent out so many search parties to look for you! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" He looks her up and down, checking for any sign of injuries.
"You shouldn't have come here.. you need to leave. Now." Adelynn says coldly.
"Wait what? But you need to come home. Your father and mother miss you. I-" he sounds like he's about to cry as he speaks "I miss you adelynn..."
"Edward-" she tries to tell him to leave again but he interrupts.
"No adelynn! You've worried everyone so much and you don't even care do you!" He tears up. "Please just come home. Let me take you home please. I know what I did was wrong but I-"
"No. You did right. You had to save your kingdom. That's your job. Your responsibility. I'm not your responsibility. You did the right thing." Adelynn says sternly.
"But I betrayed you..." He looks away "I hurt you. I let them hurt you. To the point you snapped. I let them do that to you. I shouldn't have done that. I should have at least tried to help.."
"You did help." Adelynn says.
"What? But how?" He asks, looking at her confused.
"You proved to me that I don't need anyone. I really can do it myself." She smiles but Edward could see it was fake.
"Adelynn... No... I'm so sorry..." He reaches out to hug her but she dodges him.
"Don't be sorry. I'm happy now. I'm free. So will you do me a favour?" She asks.
"Anything, I'll do anything for you adelynn.." he steps back to give her space.
"Tell my father to excuse me from my duties as Princess I no longer wish to be a part of that life." She smiles but again it's fake "I'll be staying here."
"What... adelynn.. please don't... The kingdom needs you" he pleads.
She turns away from him, "no it doesn't.."
"Yes, yes it does! The kingdom needs their princess!" He turns her around to face him, he sees she's crying.
"YOU SAW WHAT I DID! don't act like I'm a good person! You know what I'm capable of! You know what I did! What kind of princess does that!" She cries.
"Adelynn! That wasn't your fault! And don't worry about all that I got rid of all the evidence! It's okay I promise!" He hugs her tightly "I promise it's all gonna be okay.."
"No." She pushes him away. "No! Go away!"
She turns and runs away leaving Edward standing in shock watching her run deeper into the forest.

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