curiousity killed the cat

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Adelynn made it home safely and just in time for her morning calls. The day dragged on and as she didn't get any sleep she was drowsy all day, she couldn't wait for night time, she knew exactly what she was going to do.
"Adelynn dear you seem very distant today is everything alright?" The queen smiles softly at her.
"Oh um yes mother, I'm just in a world of my own" she smiles as best she could without seeming fake.
"Did you stay up all night reading again dear?" Her father, the king chimes in.
"Heh yeah.." adelynn smiles at the floor, her lies eating her up, well she wasn't really lying she was reading just not in her room like her parents thought. That's not a lie it's just not telling the whole truth.
"Make sure you sleep tonight okay dear" her mother laughs.
"Yes mother" she giggles.
She manages to keep her compositor all day and when night finally came she was so excited for her plan, of course she told prince Edward that she wasn't going to the forbidden land but she and him both knew all too well that she just couldn't help herself after seeing over the wall. There was a beautiful city and she just had to explore it, the new people and places and creatures. She was just so excited.
Waiting a little while to make sure her parents were asleep and the guards went to their little gossip room, she climbed out the window and made her way to the forest, she stopped at berthas stall on her way.
"Hello bertha!" She smiles
"Oh hello dear! Back again? Ooo I know that looks on your face, adventure time?" Bertha smiles cheekily.
"Haha just a small one, got anything to help me?" She giggled.
"Always my dear! How about a new sword, some ropes and some nourishments?" Bertha smiles.
"Oh that would be lovely thank you bertha!" Adelynn smiles back.
Bertha hands her the supplies and accepts adelynn's gold coins and chocolates as a thank you, she smiles and watches the princess run off towards the forest.
When in the forest adelynn smiles brightly, walking to the tree that she was in the day before, she climbed up and sat on the branch thinking of a way to make it over the wall, she grins when she sees a smaller tree with a branch hanging over the wall, she jumps from tree to tree to reach it and finally she stands on the wall proudly.
She sees a small broken ladder on the other side and uses it to climb down, she looks around and sees how beautiful the land is, she sees bunnies hopping around and deer eating the grass, everything seems so peaceful and perfect.
Suddenly someone grabs her from behind and drags her away, tying a blindfold on her and tying her wrists and legs together. She panics and tries to fight and scream but can't break free, she is dragged away not knowing if she'll ever be free and who is kidnapping her or what they want, she continues to scream hoping someone will hear her and help her. Nobody helps. And she starts to think of the worst possible outcomes. What will her parents think? What will happen to her next?

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