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Edward walks back to the castle mumbling under his breath. He doesn't know how he's going to explain this to adelynns father. As he walked up the steps to the front doors and entered the castle he was breathing heavily. The king stood at the end of the corridor talking to one of the knights in charge of the search.
"Um sir.." Edward stutters walking towards him.
"Ah Edward! You've been gone all morning! Is everything okay? You look panicked..." The kings smile fades.
"It's um Adelynn... I found her...." Edward looks down.
"OH MY! really? Is she okay? Why is she not with you? Where is she? Edward! This is brilliant!" The king claps his hands happily.
"Um no sir... Shes okay but she... She doesn't want to come home.." Edward speaks quietly and avoids looking at the king.
"What...why...." The king sits down.
"She...did something... And now believes that she's...not fit for life in the palace... She...she doesn't think she's fit to be princess.." Edward sighs, he feels like he's going to cry.
"What ever could she have done that made her think that! We'll just have to go to her and change her mind!" The king stands and motions the knights to prepare.
"What? No! You can't! She doesn't want people to find her!" Edward looks at the king, he knows adelynn will be angry with him if he allows the king to go find her.
"Edward. I need to find my daughter. She has responsibilities she must attend to. She can't continue this tantrum." He turns away.
"But sir-" Edwards head is spinning he doesn't know what to do.
"Enough Edward." The king cuts him off abruptly.
"Yes sire..." Edward turns and leaves.
He runs back to the forest making sure nobody sees him or follows him, he runs to the little hut, he has to warn adelynn.
He looks around quickly as he arrives.
"Adelynn! ADELYNN! I need to tell you something! Please come out!" He calls out.
Adelynn jumps down from a tree next to the hut.
"I already told you to go away." She says coldly.
"Yes I know. But your father...he's coming to get you. He says you have responsibilities that you need to attend to... I'm sorry I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen..." He grabs her arm and pulls her into the hut making sure nobody has seen them.
"You told him where I am!" She yells.
"No! I just told him that I know where you are, he knows you're somewhere in this forest but doesn't know where. I promise!" He sighs. "I'm sorry.."
She turns around and starts to pack up her things.
"W-what are you doing?" He asks confused.
"Leaving." She answers.
"Where are you going..." He speaks in barley a whisper.
"Away. I can't say here if he's coming. Y-you didn't tell him what I did..did you..." She slows down and looks at him, panic in her eyes.
"No I didn't, don't worry... Let me help you adelynn..." He kneels next to her and helps her pack. "Let me come with you. We can go to the underland or helian, where nobody will recognise us, we can live in one of the little villages and-"
"Edward. Stop." Adelynn sits back and sighs.
"Adelynn please..." Edward reaches out to hold her but she moves back.
"Edward.. you can't. You have a kingdom to run. You have a future ahead of you." Adelynn looks away.
"Adelynn.... I don't care about the kingdom or the future my parents have planned for me! I care about you! I want a future with you! I- I love-" Edward cries.
"Edward don't! Please don't...." Adelynn interrupts before he can finish. "Please just stay here..."
"Fine." Edward turns away.
Adelynn finishes up packing her stuff and they both stand up. They walk to the entrance of the hut.
" don't have to go you know that right... You could stay and we could fix it, we could fix everything..." Edward cries.
"Edward... We both know that's not true.."
She whispers.
Edward looks down, tears streaming down his face.
Adelynn cups his cheek with her hand and wipes his tears.
"Please don't cry Eddie, you'll be just fine without me....." She kisses his cheek then runs off into the woods.
He places his hand on spot she kissed and watches her disappear in the trees, stunned.
"Goodbye Adelynn..." He whispers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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