the betrayal

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Edward looks around, he can't see adelynn anywhere.
"Adelynn? Adelynn.. princess this isn't funny please come out..." He calls out.
"ADELYNN! ITS NOT SAFE! COME OUT NOW-" he yells, but stops when he hears a quiet cry. He runs towards the noise.
"Adelynn? Is that you?" He stops at the edge of a cliff. Two soft hands clinging onto the edge.
"Adelynn!" He rushes over and reaches out grabbing her and pulling her up to safety and hugging her closely.
"Please don't ever run away like that again I was so worried..." He hugs her tightly.
"I want to go home..." She cries "I want to go home."
"I know, princess, I know" he hugs her tightly as she cries.
After a while she stops crying and wipes her eyes, she sits up and moves away from Edward.
"Edward-" she tries to speak but he interrupts.
"I know, if I say anything to anyone you'll behead me" he smiles.
"No...I was gonna say...thank you..." She looks away "for everything..."
He smiles softly and hugs her "your welcome princess"
"You know my name.." she smiles shyly.
"Adelynn.." he smiles.
They sit there together for a while but then they hear shouting, Edward holds her down as she tries to get up. The knights and the king go to them and the knights grab her and drag her and tie her up.
"Edward?!" She looks at him but he's looking away.
"I'm sorry Adelynn....he threatened my kingdom...." He didn't even look at her as he spoke.
"No! I trusted you! How could you.." she says as the knights tape her mouth.
He just looks down and walks away.
The knights drag her back to the dungeon. They chain her to the wall and throw her some scrap food like an animal, she sits on the floor curled up and cries. She cries until she falls asleep.
She wakes up to the sound of clashing metal. She sits up and rolls her eyes as she sees the prince sitting outside her cell.
"What do you want therion." She says grumpily.
"Oh hey your awake..I'm sorry your friend hurt you..." He smiles softly.
"Don't patronise me." She huffs.
"Right.. sorry.. but I really am sorry I didn't know what father was planning.." he sighs.
"Let me out then." She looks at him angrily.
"W-what?" He looks shocked.
"If you truly are sorry. Let me out. I don't belong here. I want to go home." She walks towards the door.
"You and I both know I can't do that.. father would be furious.." he stutters.
"I don't care what your father thinks! I want to go home! So either you let me free and I'll spare you. If not I will rain hell on you and your kingdom!" She says sternly.
"Your just a princess dear, you can't do anything.." he giggles.
"Oh no, you really don't know who I am do you." She grins menacingly "let me actually introduce myself. Princess adelynn. The best warrior. I can and will rain hell on any kingdom that dare to displease me!"

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