escape plan

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The king stroles over. "Princess. Why don't you dance with your husband." He says sternly.
"That boy can't dance! He kept standing on my foot!" She huffs and the king flares at her.
"Dance." He says
"No." She crosses her arms.
Edward puts his hand on her back and smiles at the king.
"Your majesty, shouldn't it be the princesses choice who she dances with? Surely you shouldn't force anything on your daughter in-law" he grins and adelynn smiles aswell.
"I- well- yes.." the king gives up and turns around. "Have fun princess." He grits his teeth as he says that.
"Well wasn't that fun?" Edward smiles and offers his hand again.
"I guess so" she takes his hand and they get back to dancing. "So have you got a plan yet?"
"Haha you know me too well princess" he laughs.
"Edward. You know my name. Use it." She looks away.
He smiles "Adelynn, I have a plan."

He twirls her towards the door and they slip behind a curtain out of sight.
"So what's the plan?" She smiles.
"You're good at sneaking out, yes? You do it everyday. We'll just sneak out." He smiles.
"I'm only good at sneaking out because I know everyone's routine. I don't know anything or anyone here.." she looks down.
"Good thing you got me then." He grins and leads her to the garden where there are 3 guards.
"We're going to get caught.." she whispers.
"No we won't" he walks up to the guards "hey! Tony, mike and Ralph! My 3 favourite guys! How's the kids and wife's!" He smiles as he speaks.
The guards smile as they see him and they start talking about their lives before one of them notices adelynn.
"Hey wait isn't that the prince's bride?" He says
"Yeah she wanted to go for a walk so I offered to escort her. I'm gonna take her around the garden then back inside, that alright?" Edward smiles.
"Oh yeah I guess, it is really packed in there, no problem, have fun" the guards turn away to get back to their jobs.
Edward leads Adelynn to the back of the garden.
"Edward." She says sharply.
"Yes?" He says smiling.
"You know them by name. You've been here before. How often do you come here.." she says looking away.
"Oh...well I know it's forbidden but I love coming over here, I'm not as well known as you so I can get away with it" he smiles softly.
"You come here all the time?" She asks.
"Yeah... I wanted you to come with me so that you could see the beauty of it while I could still protect you but you insisted on going alone..." His smile fades as they continue walking.
"I don't need your protection." She huffs.
"Adelynn! Please, I know you're very independent but you're still a princess! Your valuable! Your royalty for crying out loud! People want to kidnap you everywhere you go! The only reason I go to that stupid forest you love is to make sure the freaks that hang around there don't go near you!" He yells.
Adelynn looks shocked and thinks back to every night she spent in the forest thinking she was safe and alone. She turns away from him.
"I can handle myself." She runs through an open gate and into a small woodland area trying to find the wall to go home, she hears Edward calling behind her.
"Adelynn wait! Please wait! Come back! It's not safe!" He sounds desperate and panicked.
She keeps running. And running. And running.

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