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Prince therion stood up and walked away quickly to speak to his father, he came back a while later with the king.
"You think you can threaten my son?! And my kingdom!" He yells.
"Did you not do the same to Edward?" She smiles wickedly.
"How dare you! Who do you think you are-" he stops seeing the crazy look on adelynn's face.
"I'm the princess who's about to tear your kingdom to shreds." She says while kicking down the door of the cell, she pulls out her sword and swings it around threateningly.
Both the king and the prince back away. She moves closer and swings at them both, once both of them are on the ground crying out in pain she smiles and walks out to destroy the rest of the kingdom, one by one she takes out each of the guards and knights until there's only a few left.
She hears what sounds like a party in the ballroom and storms in swinging her sword. Everyone in the ballroom screams and runs away from her but she doesn't care she stabs one of the royals through the heart and everyone tries to avoid her as best as they can panicking.
She swings for another one of the royals but someone stops her grabbing her arms and bear hugging her from behind, she knows who it is without even looking.
"Go away Edward!" She yells.
"Adelynn! Stop this please! You're hurting people!" He holds her tightly.
"Edward I'm warning you. Let me go or your kingdom is next." She growls.
"Adelynn, whats gotten into you!" He tries to hold her but she manages to break through his grasp.
"It's princess adelynn to you." She swings her sword warningly.
He steps back "adelynn..."
She injures a few more royals and then jumps from the window. Landing in the bushes below, Edward looks out the window and sees her run off into the woods.
"Oh no, adelynn... No no no... this is all my fault..." He whispers to himself.
Everyone in the room slowly begins to relax and clean up the mess adelynn made. Edward walks down to the basement to see the king and the prince injured. He looks around and then picks up a large rock and smashes it into the king's head and then the prince's head too.
"That's what you deserve for what you did to her." He says to the bodies.
He then returns to the ballroom and tells everyone to go home and tells them his sorry he is for all this.
Once everyone leaves he cleans up the bodies and hides the evidence. Then he locks the castle and sets off to find Adelynn.
"Don't worry princess, I'm coming to find you..." He mutters as he walks into the woods.

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