trapped with a ring

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Adelynn woke up feeling like she's been knocked out for hours, the blindfold is gone and she can see all around her, she sees a musty, grubby dungeon, she's chained to the wall.
"What in the hell?.." she muttered under her breath.
She stands up and tries to pull her hands out from the chains but fails. She sighs and looks out the small gloomy window.
Suddenly a man walks up to the door of the cell, he speaks low and rough. "Princess. You're awake." He says
"Yeah I am. Mind telling me who you are and why you've kidnapped me?!" She says sharply.
"I am king kireon. And we 'kidnapped' you because my son needs a bride. He turns 18 this month and he must have a wedding right after." He says.
"You want me to marry your son? Ha no chance mate." She laughs.
"You don't have a choice. We will host a ball tonight to announce the engagement. I shall have my servants bring you a gown and accessories, look your best." And with that he turns and leaves.
A few minutes later a group of servant girls rush in carrying a beautiful gown, makeup and accessories. They get to work immediately helping adelynn get ready and although she doesn't want to she figured this may be her chance to escape.
A few hours and a lot of makeup later, she looks in the mirror and can barely recognise herself, she is in a beautiful red dress with black velvet gloves and matching heels, her hair is pinned up in a beautiful ballerina bun and her makeup is done beautifully. She smiles at the servants, it's not their fault she's in this situation so she has to be nice. They leave and she's left alone again, but not for long the king returns with his son.
"Princess. You look perfect. This is my son prince Theron." He says.
The prince smiles softly "hello dear you look beautiful. I can't wait to marry you."
Adelynn rolls her eyes "yeah yeah whatever."
The prince looks at his father sadly. And the king leans towards adelynn. "You will show your husband respect. Now."
Adelynn rolls her eyes again and stands up "whatever, you gonna unchain me now? Can't very well go to a ball while chained to the wall now can I?"
The king reluctantly frees her and drags her out of the cell, the prince takes her arm and leads her upstairs into the ballroom where guests are already dancing and having fun. Everyone stops when they enter and bows down to them, adelynn looks around at the people and notices a familiar face in the crowd, Edward.
She tries to walk to him but the king pulls her back. "And what do you think your doing." He says sternly.
"Well I was just going to meet the people, if I'm to marry the prince I should know the people who we will rule over, no?" She smiles.
The king rolls his eyes "alright but first you must be introduced to the family." She is lead away and to a group of royals sitting on luxurious chairs, she introduces herself to them all one by one and is very polite, but keeps her eye out for Edward, after meeting all the family she is dragged away by the prince for a dance.
The prince is a terrible dancer and keeps stepping on her toes, after the dance she begins socialising with people trying to find Edward in the crowd. While having a conversation with a group of common women someone taps her shoulder and she turns to see Edward.
"Care to dance miss?" He smiles, as a slow song comes on.
" sure" she takes his hand and they dance gracefully around the ballroom.
Edward leans close and whispers in her ear "so your going to marry him? He's a dweeb you know that right?"
"No I'm not going to marry him and yes I am aware, king tyrant over there kidnapped me when I snuck over the bloody wall!" She whispers back angrily.
"Aw poor princess, want me to help you escape?" He grins.
"I can do it myself Edward!" She huffs
"Oh yeah? How's that been working for ya so far?" He grins, he knows what he's doing.
"Fine. Help me. But you tell anyone I needed your help and I'll-" she begins to say but he cuts her off.
"Behead me, I know princess, don't worry." He laughs.

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