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A simple morning for the World but a dreadful morning for the younger ones of the oberoi house. As they got caught up by hosting a party in the mansion. And now manvik also knows about it as he had reached the house. Manvik always dispiesed the parties. He hated parties with core of his heart due to some personal reasons as in his past life.
It's already 10 in morning and ritwik is up as he has all the stress about last night events. He sprinted towards ruhanika room who was still sleeping. He walked towards her.

"Ruhi wake up or else bhai will kill us" ritwik said while shaking her. But ruhanika whined and turned other side. But woke up jerkin6herself as she remembered about last night events. Tears briming in her eyes. And a lone tear escapes. Which made ritwik worry.

"Hey why are you crying" ritwik asked ingulfing her in a side hug.
"I broke the trust rits they are never going to trust me again" ruhanika said busted into more tears. Ritwik felt a guilty. Because he knew it was all his plan.
After consoling ruhanika he went to his room to have a bath. And Ruhanika too went to have a bath. On the other side Rishi and dhawal were sitting in their home office. Checking some files. They already dropped the message to ritwik and Ruhanika. To be there in office after their breakfast. Rishi was already really pissed off by that boy who just proposed ruhanika.

Now they both are standing near office gate and arguing who will go first? And like we expected ritwik lost and knocked. Hearing a stern get in they both gulped and walked inside. Where Rishi was having a angry face, dhawal a stern face and manvik as always a clam one.

"First I need know whose plan was it?" Rishi asked he knows Ruhanika couldn't think this evil but still he needs to conform. "M-my" ritwik said in a low voice. "And why did you planned this?" Dhawal asked in stern yet clam voice. He has always been a clam one in matters of upbringing his younger ones. He maybe strict but he loves them more than anything else.

"Actually Bhai I wanted to enj-enjoy a little and you all declined my request for my friends party so I thought to- this" ritwik said while his head hung low and voice was barely audible but still it was clear as there was complete silence.
"Oh so fun in this way. Drinking and dancing"
"No Bhai I didn't said them to bring drinks. They just bought i-it" ritwik said the truth.
"Then why your eyes red?" Rishi asked.

"Bhai actually one of the college mate made me drink" ritwik said.
"Are you kid ritwik huh? That someone can make you drink whatever they want huh?"
Dhawal said while slamming his hand on table. Which made ruhanika finch.
"And you ruhi. Why did you got involved in it. Huh? You could think practically right?" Dhawal asked while ruhanika who has tears in her eyes looked up and mumbled a sorry. Seeing tears in her eyes made the oberoi brothers guilty. But still dhawal kept his face neutral.

"Rit I didn't wanted to deny you but I know what type of parties are they and they are not good for you. I care for you. If you have asked for a house party then maybe I could have allowed you." Dhawal said in clam tone. Which made both of the younger ones guilty.

"But now that you both had made a big mistake you need some kind of punishment" dhawal said in stern voice and both the teens widened there eyes.
Punishments have always been a dreadful event for them.

"Ritwik you will be grounded for 1 week. No phone no laptop nothing just studies. And ruhi you will be grounded for 3 days and additionally you will write I am sorry for 350 times" Dhawal said and they both nodded as they don't have any other option. The teens left the room and so manvik and Rishi.
Soon dhawal englufed himself in work.

After some time dhawal gaze was broken when his phone rang. Seeing the caller id he smiled a little. The call was from the adhrit Rajput. His bestfriend with whom he has spent his childhood his teenage and now spending his youths with him.

"Hey bro wassup" same voice came from phone and the door. Yeah adhirt was at house from past 30 minutes. But dhawal was unsuprised as he always does like this. "Ky hua" adhrit asked seeing his friend tensed. Sighing dhawal narrated the whole story to him.
"See you know that they are teenagers and this normal for them but it is wrong. You have to give some freedom to them. If you will not then maybe they will grow up hating you which not possible but you can't say. They are kids but they themselves need to see the world. And differentiate between good and bad. You can correct them but don't make them walk with your finger. They have life too dhawal and they want to enjoy it. Let them enjoy. I know they will never misuse it specifically Ruhanika." Adhrit said and dhawal understood his side of mistake.

He wanted them to be punctual. But he never understood that they have life too and they want to enjoy it. He sighed and decided to have talk with them on night after dinner. He knows everyome wants to enjoy life. Even he enjoyed his teenage years then why not they? This is the common mistake every brown household do. They never let their child themselves see the world. Fail and try again and win. But dhawal now understood and now he will be parenting in the actual way.
Parenting as always been difficult but now he will rectify his mistake. He and adhrit talked a more and then he left.

Soon the dinner time zoned in and both ruhanika and ritwik were having their dinner in there rooms. Dhawal sighed and messaged ritwik too be in room of ruhanika in 5 minutes.

"Hey what are you doing here" ruhanika said. Ritwik didn't said anything but showed the text and they both stayed silent for while until dhawal entered. He got seated in couch. And the teens got panicked.

"See kids I know what I was doing was a little wrong as I need to give you freedom I cant tell you path everytime. I need you both to get smart enough. So I am sorry"
"I was just being possessive but I never wanted you not to enjoy your life. So your punishment is decreased and I am giving you a little freedom but don't misuse it" dhawal said as soon as he completed. Ruhanika hugged him.

"Sorry Bhai" ruhanika said between her sobs. And soon ritwik soon joined the hug.
"Hamare Bina" the voice came and It was none other than manvik. And the oberoi siblings has a group hug.

Hie guys I hope you all liked the chapter. Please do vote, so many of you vier but doesn't vote. Do vote yrr. It's means a lot for me. It is motivational for me. I hope you all understand.
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What do you think about adhrit opinion?

And dhawal realising his mistake. Waa it a mistake or a nothing

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