at party drama

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Ritiwik reached the party at almost 9:30.
The party was already started so him and rony walked to the bar and ordered some non alcoholic drinks for them. As they sat down enjoying the music and chilling.

While they were just talking adhrika came
"Hie guys" she said and ritiwik turned his head towards her as he got dumbfounded as she looked extremely beautiful. She was wearing a blush pink colour dress till her knees with light makeup and jewellery.
"Hello" rony replied not to create awkwardness as ritiwik is too stunned to answer.

After that adhrika with one of her friend sat there, and the four chatted for some time.


Here in the mansion Rishi is walking behind ruhanika from past 1 hour to earn her forgiveness. He bought many gifts but ruhanika still isn't talking to him.

"Ruhi please see I got your favourite brands makeup, please talk to me nh"

Ruhanika was still unbothered as she was watching YouTube on tv. And dhawal and manvik were enjoying as they know if ruhanika forgives Rishi so she will forgive them too.

Ruhanika still didn't moved as Rishi was lossing his patience. And in frustration he punched the table in front of him.
Which hurted his hands and some blood ozed out. Which made ruhanika eyes widened. As she runned towards him and hitted his back.
"Are you kid bhai" she said taking out the first aid kit and sat beside him to clean his wound.

She cleaned his wound and bandage it. And then went away from there.

"See she is so worried about you that she left her anger" dhawal said while patting Rishi head and left from there. Rishi smiled faintly.

Well the man who is known as devil in disguise is begging for his sister's forgiveness it not new right?


Here in the party ritiwk and rony were sitting and chilling while adhrika is away as she got some message earlier. Even though ritwik asked to her looking at the worried face of adhrika, but she just left.

Few minutes later adhrika came furiously with dried tears on her face, and red eyes. Ritwik stood up seeing that as he was worried.

As she came and slapped ritiwk making everyone gasp. She slapped him twice.

She was going to slap again but rony held her hand and jerked that away. Adhrika glared at him and again turned towards ritiwik again.

"You, I thought that you are a nice guy even after knowing you always use your brother's power. But now I understood that you are also same just same man. You made my nude pics using your power right? Now just watch" she left.

As ritiwik saw Vivek smirking, the boy who was calling slut her that day. He fisted but he first went after adhrika. And rony went straight to Vivek.

"Adhrika please wait"
Ritiwik pulled her back and made her turn towards him.
"See it can be a misunderstanding, please atleast listen to me"

"Why should I even listen to you huh? You tried to play with my dignity
You are the first ever male friend in my whole life but you decided to break my trust. You know what you are just a manwhore who plays with women."

"I might think that your brother will also be like this only a manwhore right? And what about your father huh he must be like this only cheater. And your sister I can't even say about her she must be like-"

Before she could complete ritiwk hand raised "adhrika not cross the line. You can say whatever you want to me but not my family or I will make you see hell on earth even though I love you with all my heart" he said turned to leave.

"But you know I will prove my self innocent and make you regret trusting Vivek. Remember this and then I will not even mind your existence. I can sacrifice my love for my brothers and my sister" he said left making adhrika glare and she left too.

Ritwik took the car of rony and left in the highest speed not knowing where. He is hurt not because she disrespected him but because he didn't trusted him.

Here rony sent Vivek to the special room where he and adhrit torture people specially in mafia works. He came outside but didn't find ritwik he walked out and asked the guard.

He got know about ritwik left with his car. He mumbled some words under his breath and called his maneger as he practices business with his brother. He said him to bring another car without Letting adhrit know.


Time skip to 12:30

It 12:30 now and ritiwik isn't back till now. Dhawal and Rishi are present in main hall waiting for him. Rishi has tried for numerous times to call ritiwik but his phone is still unreachable.

Dhawal is hell worried because ritiwik phone never goes unreachable or switched off. He has sented some guards to look after him.

It 1 in the night, manvik is also present now. Contacting everyone who could present in the party. Rishi trying to track him and dhawal is just being anxious.

"I am going to call adhrit now" dhawal said called adhrit and told him everything.
Soon adhrit came.

"Rony's phone is too switched off" he came and said in a panicked voice.
"Ahh I shouldn't have let him go what if any of our rivals kiddnap him. I could never forgive myself for it" dhawal said.

"The party hosts are saying that they left at 11 only" manvik said. Which made everyone more panick.

"Adhrit let's go we should what we can could do. Lets go we can hack one of there mobiles" dhawal said almost tripping.

"Careful" adhrit said holding him.
"Ahh I cannot track thier fucking mobile" Rishi said slamming his hand.
He has a short span of patience.

Soon dhawal and adhrit started to walk upstairs after talking to the guards they sended.

When they were half a stairs the door of the mansion shot open making everyone turned. And it was rony who was holding ritwik who wasn't in the state to walk on his own.

Dhawal quickly got downstairs and said Rony to leave ritwik as he left him he stumbled and fell on the couch.

Manvik held the chin of ritwik and make him look up. His eyes were red and everyone could smell strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

Dhawal fisted hands seeing this irresponsibility of him and getting drunk so much.

"Actually Bhai he-" rony tried to talk.
"No don't say he himself will tell about it" dhawal said and turned to leave.

"Manvik take him to his room" dhawal said And left. Soon Adhrit and rony too left. And manvik too took ritwik to his room. Rishi also left.

Hello everyone so this is my the new chapter
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