Episode 3: The Deeper Dive

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Karan sat in his office, the photograph still on his mind.

Anjali’s words echoed in his head: "There are secrets that have been buried for years. I'm here to help you uncover them."

Determined to get to the bottom of this, Karan dialed Anjali’s number.

"Meet me at my office. We need to talk."

Preeta, meanwhile, couldn't stop thinking about the flowers she had received.

The mystery of the secret admirer intrigued her, but Karan's cryptic warning kept ringing in her ears.

She decided to visit the florist to see if she could find out more about the sender.

As she walked into the flower shop, a young clerk greeted her. "How can I help you today?"

Preeta showed the bouquet. "These were delivered to me yesterday. I was wondering if you could tell me who sent them?"

The clerk checked the records and frowned. "I'm sorry, but the sender requested to remain anonymous."

Disappointed but not deterred, Preeta left the shop, her mind spinning with questions.

At the university, Savi noticed Ishaan seemed more distracted than usual.

She decided to approach him again after class.

"Professor Bhosle, are you okay? You seem... preoccupied,"
Savi said, genuinely concerned.

Ishaan sighed. "There are things I'm trying to understand, Miss Chavan. Personal matters."

Savi hesitated, then asked, "Does it have to do with the documents you were looking at?"I

shaan looked at her, a mix of frustration and resignation in his eyes.

"Yes. There are pieces of my past that don't make sense, and now they're coming back to haunt me."

Later that day, Anjali arrived at Karan’s office.

She sat down across from him, her expression serious."Mr. Luthra, your parents were involved in some covert activities that go beyond business.

They were trying to uncover a conspiracy that involved several powerful people in the city."

Karan leaned forward, his interest piqued. "What kind of conspiracy?"

Anjali handed him a file. "This contains some of the information they gathered. It's not complete, but it's a start."

Karan opened the file, his eyes scanning the documents.

Names, dates, and events leapt off the pages, painting a picture of a complex and dangerous web of secrets.

Preeta returned to her apartment to find Savi deep in thought.

"Savi, you won't believe it. The florist wouldn't tell me who sent the flowers,"

Preeta said, flopping onto the couch.

Savi looked up. "Maybe there's more to this than just a secret admirer. What if it's connected to something bigger?"Preeta frowned.

"You mean like a mystery?""Exactly.

Maybe those flowers are a clue,"

Savi suggested.

Preeta’s eyes widened. "You could be right. But how do we figure out what they mean?"Savi grinned.

"We start by digging into your past, just like in those detective shows we love."

That evening, Ishaan met Anjali at a secluded café.

He needed answers, and he hoped she could provide them.

"Why did you call me to the library last night?" Ishaan asked as he sat down.

Anjali leaned in. "Because I believe your past is connected to the conspiracy Karan Luthra’s parents were investigating.

You might hold the key to uncovering the truth."

Ishaan was stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"Your parents and Karan's parents were working together. They discovered something that put their lives in danger.

And now, someone is trying to keep those secrets buried,"

Anjali explained.Ishaan felt a chill run down his spine. "What do we do?"

Anjali looked determined.

"We find the missing pieces of the puzzle. Together."

As night fell, Preeta and Savi sat in their apartment, surrounded by old photographs and letters from Preeta’s past.

"Look at this," Savi said, holding up a faded photograph.

"This is from your tenth birthday. Who's that man in the background?"

Preeta squinted at the photo. "I don’t know. I’ve never noticed him before."Savi leaned in closer.

"Maybe he has something to do with the flowers. We need to find out who he is."

Meanwhile, Karan sat in his office, the file from Anjali spread out before him.

He knew he was on the brink of discovering something monumental, but he also knew that the deeper he dug, the more dangerous it would become.

As he pondered his next move, his phone buzzed with a new message from an unknown number: "Be careful who you trust. Not everyone is who they seem."

Karan’s heart pounded. The game was only just beginning, and the stakes were higher than ever.

Hope you all like the episode.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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