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Bradleys POV (continued)

Everyone was gone by the time I woke up and I already told myself "no drinking today", I knew I was going to start feeling really unwell soon, because of it but I wasnt going to tell anyone, besides Stefani and her mom already have enough going on as it is, I dont want to put all my issues on them.

I knew sugar helped with getting off booze so I walked up to the nearest shop and stocked up, but I was already beginning to feel sick on the walk back, I soon began to realize again how much getting sober sucked. 

I ran to the bathroom, throwing up the moment my head was in the toilet, shaking as it was happening, This was officially the worlds worst hangover, I thought


Stefanis POV 

School wasnt serving up much of a distraction from home at the moment, Bradley had been seriously nice and helpful these last few days but I was still worried about him too, Unlike Mom, I knew he was hungover, I could hear him drinking all through the first night, The walls are really thin, I also knew he was drinking last night as I could smell the booze on him when I walked into his room this morning. 

I got my math assignment back and I got a B+, which I was really happy with, I also got an A on Biology and an A for Music too, so it had been a pretty good day, I also collected all of Bradleys assignments, D on math, C- on a couple others, but Film Study & Production he got an A+ on, 100% as well, 

I walked home to get changed for basketball practice and I saw Bradley on the couch, He actually looked like shit, He was sweating all over, the shakes were obvious and he looked really unwell. 

I sat down next to him and handed his tests to him, He looked shocked when he saw his A+ and he congratulated me on my good test scores,

"What did you do, for your film" I asked him

"Uhhhh, Everyone else was doing comedies but I decided to do one based off this film from 1976, more a dramatic take as something different" He said, suddenly I noticed him look more alive as he began to talk about movies again.

"Was it Rocky" I asked, as a joke, knowing he probably did do that

"No....actually, it was A Star Is Born, with Kris Kristofferson and Barbara Streisand" He said, I was a little surprised

"Damn, thats a pretty heavy film" I said, it was true though, 

"I rewrote it to make it more modern too, so its set in 2024" He told me, which I thought was pretty cool, "Suprised you a lil, didnt it" 

"Yeah, I never had you down for romantic dramas, You look like more a comedy guy"

"I love comedies, thats probably my top preference, but I didnt want to do the same as everyone else, plus its way easier to write drama" He told me, I thought about it and thats true, You dont need to come up with jokes and all that extra stuff, 

"Also Stef, it looks like you did well in Music too" Bradley said, 

"Oh yeah, she loved the songs I've written and she says im amazing at piano too, Could go all the way if I got it right" I said, Bradley smiled at me

"Wow....thats honestly amazing" He told me, "Do you want to go all the way??" he added

"Yeah, it would be awesome, I just dunno where to start" I said, 

"Well.... you just gotta record a demo and send it to record companies, pray that theyll take it" Bradley said, 

"How do you know all this"

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