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Stefanis POV

I was staying close to Bradley at this moment, I needed someone like him right now, given what was about to happen downstairs, 

I could hear Mom pretty clearly up here, 

"You should be happy your even allowed in the house right now" She said, her voice instantly angry as I watched Dad walk over to her. 

"Its not what it looks like-" He said, trying his best to defend himself

"I know exactly what it fucking looks like" 

"I can expl-" 

"You dont need to explain, I know everything already" Mom said, I suddenly started to feel proud of her, for sticking up for us

"Why would you do this to me and the girls, why Joe, why the fuck did you do this", 

Mom was getting really fired up now, and she had every reason to, 

"I dont know was-" 

"i dont want your fucking excuses, You can leave now" Mom said, Dad started to come upstairs and Bradley and I had to move quickly

"No, Joe, not upstairs, I mean out of the house" Mom then yelled out, Dad turned around and started walking back downstairs, 

I watched as my dad walked out the front door, Bradley hugging me as I leant into his good shoulder to cry, 

"Its okay Stef, your gonna be okay" He told me, I just kept letting the tears come out, 

Natali had come out of her room and decided that she would join our hug, Bradley letting her in as he knew that she had also basically lost her father today, She needed someone just as much as I did, 

After five minutes of crying, Natali and I finally let go of Bradley and we all walked downstairs to see Mom, We were all quiet and didnt want to talk much about what happened, 

We all sat down on the couch and Bradley grabbed a tub of ice cream out of the freezer, along with four spoons and we all sat down together and ate scoops of it while trying to distract ourselves from what had happened, even though it was impossible

"Sorry Bradley for having this all happen on your first night here, You've already been through enough" Mom said, before grabbing another scoop out

"Its okay Cynthia, If anything its a good thing what youve done, you deserve way better than a  husband who cheats on you anyway" He said, Mom smiled at him

"Stef, since when were 16 year old boys this nice and mature" Mom asked me

"I honestly dont know Mom" I laughed a little, Bradley joined in 

Natali turned the TV on and Bojack Horseman was on

"I love this show" Bradley said, but suddenly Natali had switched it to Friends, which she was obsessed with at the moment

"Why did I have you pinned down as a Bojack guy though" I joked

"Maybe the drawings from my English book" He said, It was true, there were three pages dedicated to Bojack in there, He had even designed his own character similar to him, but a washed up, alcoholic ex-Philadelphia Eagles player instead, which I thought was pretty cool.

Friends was taking my mind off the whole thing with Dad, until the episode where Ross cheats on Rachel comes on, then it rushed back in again, I leant into Bradley again, given I was upset and tired, I hadnt even thought to ask if me leaning on him was painful

"Bradley, am I hurting you right now" I asked, He shook his head before saying "No, your okay"

The night wore on and Mom realized Natali and I needed to get some sleep before school tomorrow, Natali and I protested having to go tomorrow after what happened tonight but Mom said school will probably take our minds off it, besides I had two assignments due. 

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