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Stefanis POV

I walked upstairs after practice and took a nice hot shower to clean myself up a little, before going to see Bradley again, I could hear my mom talking to him in the study and I waited until she was gone to walk in. 

I could see a few tears coming out of my mom and I asked her if she was okay, but all she said was "Bradley really needs you right now" before walking back into the kitchen

I could see Bradley with his face on the table and I sat down next to him, He lifted his head up off the table and I could see the tears running down his face. I also noticed the drinks next to him, which was surprising given he said he was stopping. 

"Bradley, is everything okay" I asked

"I cant even be sober for one day, this is fucked" He said, before more tears began to run down his face

"Did anything that made you drink" I then asked, He nodded at me

"The police stopped over and  wanted my statement, which was nothing but then I heard Chris was not going to get locked up and it shook me a little, i guess, like what if they come back for us" He told me, I was a little shocked too, I knew you went to jail if you shot someone, Everyone knew that. 

"Hes not getting locked up, what the fuck" I said right away, I could hear Natali yell "language" from her room and I told her to shut up. 

Bradley shook his head, "No"

"Okay, back to the drinking thing, Have you told anyone other than me about it" I asked him, He nodded so that was a good sign, at least hes talking

"I told Cynthia, but thats it, thats why she was in here before" He said to me, I just nodded

"Well its good you told someone, and were here to help you, I dont care if you get it on the first try, or if it takes 50 tries, I just want you to get better" I moved over to him and hugged him again, 

"Hows things going with you at the moment" He asked me, 

"Good, Im not sure about whats going on with dad but everythings fine otherwise" I said, He smiled at me

"Thats great Stef, other than your dad, but everything else" 

I noticed some pieces of paper stacked up on top of each other on the table and decided to read the cover

A Star Is Born (The 2024 Remake) - by Bradley Cooper

"Is this the script" I asked him, He just nodded and I asked if I could look at it, which I took his answer as a "yes" when he handed it to me, 

I read through the first few pages and was honestly taken at how good he was at writing movies, I can see where the A+ came from now, It was so well written that it looked like it was written by someone whos been in Hollywood for years now. 

"Bradley, have you ever thought about this as a job, Its actually seriously good" I said, Bradley nodded

"I really, really want to become an actor, but now I'm really into this stuff too, and directing, i dunno" He told me, 

"You could do all three" I suggested, Bradley started laughing

"That would be so hard" He said, "imagine having to yell "cut" whilst your in the scene" He started laughing again, I joined in too

"More Oscar Nominations though" I said, joking, Bradley laughed a little more

"I wish, now, enough about me, when are we booking in this thing at the recording studio" He said, I had almost forgotten about the recording studio,

Unlikely Beginnings - a Bradga AUWhere stories live. Discover now