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Bradleys POV

Fuck..... she found out. 

Yes, I feel good for telling her but still, I sort of feel like I've let her down in a way, She thought I was amazing, she told me multiple times, but now she knows I'm just an alcoholic with nowhere to go. 

I sat next to her in class again, just for the final ten minutes as we spent most of first period in the janitors closet, talking.

I decided to write her a note again, slipping it to her under the table, 

- Stef

Im sorry about everything again, I love you so much and dont want to lose you over something stupid I've done, Its all my fault. Again, I'm so sorry. 

- Bradley

She read the note and wrote one herself, passing it to me

You wont lose me, I love you more than anything and I just want you to be okay, Its not your fault.

- Stef 

I smiled at her after reading it, mouthing "thank you" to her, I loved that she wasnt judging me but I was worried that now she knew about everything, she would want out whilst she still could leave, After all, who wants to date an alcoholic who has three jobs and no house, Theres not much going for me apart from that I could play football.

Talking of football I had completely forgot that the updated National Rankings for this season were coming out at midday, which made me nervous now, 

They updated these things just before halfway through every season, and again at the end, to help out the colleges when looking at players, but given I had committed to Arizona already, I wasnt too fussed about where I was sitting, but still, I wanted to know. 

The bell went and Stefani and I walked out of class together, like usual, so that was a good sign, I walked up with her to her next class as I had an appointment with the team doctor, to get my ankle right for Fridays game, instead of going to gym, 

I told her once again that I loved her, more than anything and thankfully she said the same back, before walking down to the locker rooms. 

The team doctor started work on my ankle right away, trying to get some strength into it so I would be fine by Friday, 

"National Rankings are out, How you feeling" He asked, 

I just nodded, "Pretty confident" I said, "Hopefully better than last year" 

"They were pretty stiff on you last year, Putting you at #87 was absurd" He said to me, I just started laughing

"I missed like four games though" I said

"That dont mean shit, You are the best player I've seen in the 33 years i've worked here" He said, I just smiled at him, It was nice what he was telling me and I felt pretty good about myself after that

"Well.....I guess we'll find out later today" I said, before the doctor finished strapping up my ankle again, 

I thanked him before I walked out, using the free period I had next to do my workout. 



"Stef, if its okay, can I borrow your laptop" I asked her, We were in class together and it was the only way I would get to see the rankings. 

"Sure" She said, passing it over onto my side of the table, I started to search up the national rankings, 

"Whats this" She asked me, looking over at the screen, trying to read the website

Unlikely Beginnings - a Bradga AUWhere stories live. Discover now