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Stefanis POV

I was already worried about Bradley, now even more so that I heard gunshots from inside, I felt so hopeless sitting out here waiting, but its what Bradley wanted, He was trying to keep me safe. 

I could finally breathe easier when I saw Bradley stumble out of the door, but he was clutching at his shoulder now, 

"Fuck Fairhill" He half-yelled out, "Fucking piece of shit shot me" 

I could hear police sirens coming near and I could see all the blood seeping through Bradleys shirt, It looked bad. 

"We need to get you out of here" I said, but we couldnt drive, Bradley could hardly stand up and I've had 5 drinks, along with only getting my license last weekend, I suddenly remembered my house was only half a mile away, but I had to stop the bleeding

"Take your shirt off" I said, Bradley winked at me, 

"Were doing this now" He slurred, leaning in for a kiss, I laughed a little before I realized I had to be serious here

"No, to stem the bleeding" I said, "But I wish" I also added, It was true, 

Bradley took his shirt off and pressed it into the front of his shoulder, The bullets looked like they had gone in the back and exited out the front, but at least we could stop some of it. 

I helped Bradley walk towards my house, He was stumbling around everywhere and we finally reached my place, I saw Dad's car out the front and walked around it, towards the front door, before knocking.

Mom came down about a minute later,

"Stefani.... I thought you werent gonna be home until later" 

"Mom, we dont have time for this" I said, "Bradleys been shot and we need to go to a hospital" 

Mom looked at Bradley, who was next to me, using the door to hold himself up, seeing the blood that was still rushing down his body, even though he was pressing his shirt against it, 

"Okay, I'm taking you now" She said, before grabbing the first set of car keys she could find, running down to the car, Bradley and I following her, but Mom stopped for a second

"Holy shit" she almost screamed out, "Joe"

Bradley and I were over at the car by now and I had grabbed the door to open the back seat, 

"WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed out as I watched my dad, who was making love to some woman I had never seen before

"Get out of the fucking car" I heard Mom yell out, "We'll talk about this later" before getting in the car and driving off as fast as she could, Bradley and I in the back,

I was quiet most of the drive, after all I was pretty shocked, Within an hour I had seen my boyfriend get shot and my dad with another woman, 

We pulled up to the hospital and Mom rushed Bradley and I in, demanding that Bradley gets attended to right away. 

Then the waiting started....

"So, do you know exactly what went down" Mom asked me, I just nodded

"We were all out partying, The National Rankings for Football came out and Bradley was ranked #3 in the country, so Jordan had promised a massive celebration for him, well its a massive achievement, We were all enjoying ourselves and then Fairhill showed up" I said to her

"Whos Fairhill" Mom asked

"South Kensingtons main rivals, We beat them in the last two state championships which has only fueled it, and then the icing on the cake was us beating them again, last Friday, They had beat up Bradley pretty bad in the game, but he played out most of it,  there were lots of fights, on field and off"

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