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Bradleys POV

Okay, I have never been in this much pain before, Really, It was the worst pain ever, so much I was originally going to turn down any pills I was offered, given I had been clean over two weeks now, but I couldnt. 

I was really happy that Stefanis let me come stay at her place though, The beds comfy, Theres nice food being cooked downstairs and Stefani was here, so that made it even better. 

I had found some drawers to put all my clothes in and I put the rest of the bags in the closet, I didnt want to make myself too "at home" yet. 

I walked downstairs and saw Cynthia on the couch, a bottle of red wine almost finished and tears running down her face,

"Are you doing okay" I asked her, "I know its mustve been a lot to take in last night" 

"Im fine, Dont worry about me" Cynthia said, before asking me to grab her another bottle of red out of the fridge, pouring it into her glass

"Thanks again for letting me stay" I said, before walking back upstairs, 

Stefani had gone out to grab some food for dinner and after I spent an hour watching TV, she was back, 

I offered to help her put some of the groceries away but she told me no, so I just sat down at the kitchen table instead and chatted with her, and then I heard Natali walk in the door, with two of her friends

"Moooooooom.....im home" She yelled out, before walking into the kitchen to grab some food, "Move Stef" She yelled out before reaching for some Sour Patch Kids, 

"My god, Bradley, what happened to you" She said, shocked, after turning around to face me. 

"Nothing" Stefani said, trying to get Natali to stop staring at me again

Natali and her friends went upstairs almost right away, I heard Stefani breathe a sigh of relief and I honestly felt the same, I didnt exactly feel like having a 10 year old hit on me at this moment. 


"Natali.... set the table" Cynthia yelled out, Natali letting out a loud groan, "Stefanis doing dinner so its your turn" 

"Why cant Bradley do it" Natali whined, reluctantly walking towards the kitchen

"He got shot yesterday, He needs to rest" 

I was helping out a little with the cooking though, as much as I could, Stefani liked it too as it was just the two of us in the kitchen, until Natali walked in

"Bradley.... you never told me you got shot", Natali said, running up to me, before Stefani told her to just grab the cutlery out, 

"Im sorry about her....again" Stefani told me, I was fine with it though

"Dont worry, I prefer you anyway" I just said, before trying to hug her again. 

We had finished cooking up dinner and was serving it when Natali began the staring again as I tried to eat my food,

"Stefani, this is great" I said, before Natali butted in again

"I make even better food Bradley... if you wanna try mine one day" 

"Natali, please stop" Stefani said again

"You already have him, what more do you want" Natali said, a hint of anger in her voice but I laughed it off, continuing to eat whilst she stared at me.

Cynthia pulled a beer out of the fridge and offered me one, I opened the can and took a few sips out of it, thanking her as I really needed a drink at this moment, 

I suddenly felt the urge to know what happened at the nightclub after I did the runner so once Stefani and I finished dinner, we walked upstairs and I grabbed my phone, opening up the SKHS 11th grade group chat, texting right away asking what happened, getting an instant response

Jordan: We ended up worse off, Fairhill beat the shit out of all of us, but no one was shot

Obviously he doesnt know about me yet

James: The cops turned up and arrested like 40 of us, I didnt see you after about 1am, where were you???

Me: I got shot

James: WHAT???!?!!?!??! 

Me: yeah, I was trying to do a runner and Chris shot me, I'm out for the rest of the season

Jordan: NO!


Stefani and I couldnt help but laugh a little at the last responses, but at least no one else was really hurt, even though Fairhill fucked us all up pretty bad, Most the guys sent photos of their faces to me and they were all pretty beat up, but at least it wasnt serious.

We chatted a little more with the group chat and then I heard Stefanis dad come in, Stefani suddenly started to look way more nervous than what she was beforehand. 


I followed Stefani downstairs but Mom told us all to go back upstairs, I guess now Cynthia was going to have the chat with Joe. 

Stefani and I decided to sit at the top of the stairs, given we kind of caught Joe cheating on Cynthia ourselves, when we were trying to get in the car, Stefani thought she deserved to know the conversation and had asked me to stay with her because she needed someone with her right now

Unlikely Beginnings - a Bradga AUWhere stories live. Discover now