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I'm lying in the hospital after 20 hours of pure hell.

I found out that the person closest to me has been married for half a year and his wife is about to give birth to a baby girl in a month, just like I did.

To his daughter, Eleonor Dovell.

She looks just like me, she even has a few blonde hairs. But her eyes, on the other hand, are an exact copy of Fabian.

Pale blue, but you can see the bright gray circle near the pupil. I hope the eyes are the only thing she inherited from him. Maybe I'll be lucky and her eyes will change color as she grows up.

I keep asking myself: Was it a mistake? But the answer never comes to me. If I'd known he was going to get married, and I'd just been fun for a few days, it would never have happened. We would never even be together. And now I have a child with him.

I had to write his name on the birth certificate, otherwise I would have had to go through complicated paperwork. But even that didn't help and I still earned a few looks and questions about what I'm doing here alone.

Fortunately, I was able to keep my last name for Eleonor. After what Fabian had done, I wouldn't have let her have his last name.

It's only a matter of time before he arrives. And I'm afraid of how long that is.

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2 years later

Today is Elie's second birthday. There's no way how the time flies. There's no mention of a mole and I do not have to worry. El will be able to live a normal life and not worry like I did.

Life in our world is much harder than in Tempus, I couldn't find a job, but thanks to the money I saved from my teenage years, I was able to arrange a sublease for us in a 2+1 apartment, furnish it nicely and spoil El.

Eventually I found a job, but I had to put El in early kindergarten, which I see she doesn't mind at all. She's gotten used to it, and she's already made friends, Arabian twins- Amira and Amina.

One thing that caught my eye about them was that they both had moles. I haven't met their parents yet, but it means that they are either in the same situation as me or they have simply decided to live their lives here in Novus and not in Tempus. Maybe that's why they and El hit it off and something keeps them together.

I'm just waiting for the moment when El starts asking me about her father. I'm very curious to see what I'm going to say to her.

Fabian hasn't been letting me sleep lately because he hasn't contacted me at all. That means only one thing: he has left our world, and he is living a happy life with his wife and daughter almost the same age as El. While I've been waiting here for two years to see if he will contact me asking why he received a birth certificate with my name on it.

Sometimes I wonder if he even received the certificate, because I still can't believe that he doesn't care about his firstborn daughter at all.

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8 years later

It's 7:07 a.m. on July 7 when I go to wake El up with a cake in my hand and I notice something on her shoulder. She has a mole there. Not just any birthmark, but a star-shaped mole, the same as on my shoulder. It's something unusual this late.

I run my free hand over it, but El starts to wake up. ,,Good morning, my ten-year-old princess!" I try to ignore the feeling of fear that has grown in my stomach and put on a big smile.

,,What's going on-" she stops, having noticed the cake with the candle, covers her mouth in surprise, thinks about the wish, and then blows out her candle with a big smile on her face.

,,Thank you so much mom, I hope my wish comes true." her eyes light up like they always do and I could melt. ,,Birthday wishes always come true," I assure her with a smile, and her face lights up even more.

Then comes her favorite question on every birthday day: ,,When is daddy coming to visit us, mom? Will it be this year?" My expression changes, and Eleanor immediately notices.

 ,,He must have sent you a letter again, honey. We'll go and have a look after breakfast, okay?" I feel horrible for these stupid lies, but I can't tell her that her dad doesn't even know she was born.

And now he doesn't even know that his daughter has inherited another trait of his, she will be able to control the element, which means enrollment in Arwen, the school of the elements.

I hoped she would never have to get to know her father, and I covered it up with stupid lies and fake letters to make her feel like her father was at least a little bit interested in her, but thanks to the star on her shoulder, she would have to attend Arwen, and who knew what kind of life awaited her there.

I'd rather not send my little girl there at all. She could live a quiet life here, just like me. She would enjoy her childhood with her friends here and wouldn't have to move away from me. However, the years fly by, and it all comes soon.

The only thing I'm glad about is that she won't be there all by herself. Since Amira and Amina are the same age as El,they could travel to Tempus together. Their genes can't be denied either. So if their friendship lasts, they will be in this together.

,,Mom, the letter has arrived!" said El, jumping around the kitchen with excitement. I smiled at her. I'm glad I can at least make her happy this way when her father can't.

,,Dad writes to me that he hopes to see me soon. Can I write back to him that he can come and stay here with us?" Sparks of happiness dance in her eyes, and because it's her birthday, I told her that she certainly can.

If only she knew that her letter, painted with crayons and written in her silly handwriting, would never reach Fabian, and that he would certainly not appear here.



from now i think that chapters will (maybe) come once a week bc of the translating... :(

some of our friends have read the introduction and I'm LOVING the support💕💕💕💕THX



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