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The end of the summer holiday is coming and I'm slowly starting to pack for Arwen. I can't believe the summer has gone by so quickly.

For one week, I barely left my room because of the secret my mom was keeping from me. Now, I hope we don't have any.

Even so, I think I enjoyed the summer to the fullest.

Trips with Ri, evening walks, baking with my mom, movie marathons, calling with Ami and wondering about what it will look like in Tempus.

I have to admit that I'm quite looking forward to it. Of course I'm scared, Ri is scared too, but we have to go there anyway, so why worry unnecessarily?

I learned that both of my parents were from Tempus, had moles, and had gone to Arwen, where they met. A love story straight out of a fairy tale.

Theoretically, we still have one secret between us.

She still hasn't told me the identity of my dad. I really tried to find out, but whenever I approached the subject, my mom stopped smiling and threw me her familiar look: Stop it or you'll be without dinner.

I'm jolted out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.

,,Princess, your last dinner at home is on the table, come and eat, please." the last dinner at home. My favorite part of the day. How am I going to survive somewhere over 1000 kilometers from Elowen without being pampered by the food my mom gives me at home? Tears welled up in my eyes.

,,Come on, please, it'll get cold," she pulls me out of my thoughts again. As soon as I see my favorite dish, macaroni and cheese, on the table, I almost melt.

About a baking pan of macaroni later, I have a hard time getting up from the table. Maybe it's not that I'm overstuffed, I just don't feel like it, I admit.

Mom notices, but she just laughs. ,,I felt just like you, El. I didn't want to go halfway around the world from my mother either, but trust me, when you see Arwen, you won't want to go home for Christmas."

,,Thank you, Mom, we'll see tomorrow." I try to convince her with a smile, but I'm not sure if she bought it.

I'm sad mainly because I can't imagine my life outside of Elowen, my lifelong home. 1000 kilometers through an underwater tunnel, and from the largest Novus railway station, is a hell of a distance. In addition, I will be there alone, without my family. I'm going to have to be on my own to survive there. Of course, I'll be together with Ri, but it's still not the same. I'm going to miss it all.

My other concerns are with the people there. What if I don't find anyone there with whom I can get along?

And because my mom knows exactly what I need, she prepared the living room for a marathon of Barbie fairy tales.

I don't know what I'm going to do without her.

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Whose idea was it to wake up at half past six when the Pendolino doesn't leave until nine?

It was, yes, my wonderful idea.

But when I smelled scrambled eggs, I woke up right away. My mom took the day off today so she could drop me and Ri off at the train station. Ri's parents agreed so at least they don't have to drive her there.

I'll never forgive her that she'll be able to hang out at home for another week before she comes to Arwen. After her arrival, she still has to write an essay about her stay in Mirabil and hand it in  person.

However, I have to get out of bed because I still have a lot of things to do.

I have to have breakfast, fix my face a bit, pack the whole second suitcase, because I fell asleep in front of the TV yesterday and then I really didn't have the energy for it, we have to pick up Ri, drive all the way to the main station and find the right terminal. Then we'll just drive for 9 hours.

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