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Today it is exactly one year since my mother died. Supposedly in a mysterious way. There are only two people in the world who know what truly happened.

Me and my father, Alexander André, whose hand only had slipped.

I remember that day in detail.

I thought it would be a day like every other. I'll wake up in the morning, go out, come home late in the afternoon, study and listen to my parents argue like they always do and then go to bed with headphones in my ears, the arguments will die down when my father leaves and goes to the pub. My mother always came to me afterwards and helped me fall asleep. She also scolded me why I smelled of smoke, but I always played that on a lot of chimneys in Tenebris and I always succeeded.

But August 30 of last year looked completely different.

It was the holidays, so I was at home all day, mostly helping my mother, because she couldn't do much on her own because of her condition. Fortunately, my father was on a "business trip". My mother and I both knew what he was doing on this so called"business trip." She just didn't want to admit it. I don't understand what she sees in my father. I always told her she didn't deserve this, but she just waved her hand and told me I should be happy with what I had. I would never have cared more for the luxuries we had than for my own mother.

August 30 gained momentum as soon as my father returned home. He was drunker than ever, and lipstick was smeared on his face, he didn't even try to hide it. I tried to be calm, but then a note came that caused me to explode and there was no turning back.

,,Amelia, we're getting divorced, I can't live with a poor woman like you. The women I sleep with are better than you in every way, mainly -"

,,That's enough, father," I grabbed him roughly by the shoulder and began to pull him out of the kitchen. But I really didn't expect his next move. He was sluggish, but his swing was good.

A strong slap landed on my face.

For a while, I could only see stars, but I didn't have much time to recover.

With a strong squeeze, he threw me to the ground and started kicking me in the stomach.

I can thank the alcohol in his blood, because after a while he fell on his own and I gained a little time to get up.

I wasn't to much use.

My mother ran up to me and began to support me under the shoulder. ,,Ed, I'm so sorry, I never wanted this, really for-" 

 ,,Mom, none of this is your fault, let me go, don't bother, please. I'm fine." I'm not really well at the moment, but somehow I've tried to get used to my father's outbursts of mood. Today, it's starting to get too much.

I slipped out of her embrace to see where my father was.

He was still lying on the ground, but he was slowly getting up. ,,Who... do you.... think you...are?!?"  he expelled from himself. His tone of voice frightened my mother and me, and you could see it in her eyes. But I tried not to show anything.

"Go upstairs, Mother, I'll put him in the guest room, don't worry." If my stomach allows me, of course I won't to tell her that.

She wanted to say something to me, but I brushed her off with a look.

I regret that until today.

I heard a whimper, so I turned around and my father was on his feet again. He looked behind me, saw my mother, and the fateful moment came.

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