A Happy Moment

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Most of Lyarra's days were now filled with maester's and midwives looking out for the baby. Lyarra wrote to her family telling them she is with child. She didn't know what to do, the masters only cared about the child growing in her belly where only Jonna Strong cared for her because she had lost her own mother in the childbirth. Maegor on the other hand had been completely distant from her, if they ever crossed paths he would find a way not to walk by her.

"What do you wish the babe will be?" Jonna asked Lyarra as they walked around the gardens "I pray it is a boy so the king will finally have his heir." Lyarra said back as she rubbed her sixth month belly as they walked Lyarra stopped and looked at one of the winter roses "Shouldn't you be restings?" Jonna questioned "The midwives say it is good and in Winterfell my step mother would walk around the grounds for hours." Lyarra siad back as she took one of the roses and gives it to Jonna "I never thanked you." "For what your grace?" Jonna questions "You have been so kind to me and helped me adjust to being in the south." Lyarra held Jonna's hands "And please call me Lyarra." Jonna nobbed her head and they walked together through the gardens.

Queens chambers

Later that night Lyarra sits alone in her chambers as she paints for some time now the babe has started to kick and at night the babe does not stop. Lyarra now can never sleep as much as she tries the babe wont let her. As she is painting the babe starts kicking right on time, she places her hand on her belly "Why is going on in there that makes you want to kick me all the time?" she talked to her belly, she rubbed her belly more to see if it will help which it never does.

The Next Morning

Lyarra was having breakfast in the gardens to get as much fresh air as she can with Jonna keeping her company but while they were eating they were interrupted by the dowager Queen Visenya "Your grace." Lyarra said as both her and Jonna stand up to bow to the dowager Queen "You do not need to get up daughter." Visenya said as they all sit down "Is there something you need your grace?" Jonna asked Visenya to which Visenya looked over at Jonna and said "Yes I was wondering if I could have a moment to speak with my daughter alone." Jonna nobbed her head "Of course your graces." and with that Jonna left leaving Visenya and Lyarra to talk.

Visenya looked at Lyarra ''How are you feeling?" "I'm fine the maesaters said in three more moons the babe should be here." Lyarra said. Visenya shakes her head "You look like you have not gotten any sleep." Lyarra picks up a grape and eats it "It is nothing." she said trying to change the topic "You and the babe are the most important thing right now, what is wrong?" Visenya said as she took Lyarra's hand. Lyarra sighed "I do not sleep because the babe does not let me." she pauses "All night the babe kicks me and I try to rub my belly to see if that will help. I even try to talk to the babe and sing to the babe to see if it will help but nothing." Visenya sighs "Maegor was the same."

Lyarra looks at her mother in law as she continues "When I was pregnant with Maegor he would not let me sleep and like you I tried everything." she pauses "Until one night Aegon came to my chambers to check on me and the babe he saw that I was not sleeping and he laid down next to me and placed his hand on my stomach and talked to Maegor." "Did it help?" Lyarra questioned Visenya and he nodded her head "He immediately stopped kicking me and I was able to sleep the whole night and if he tried to kick me again I would wake up Aegon and he would talk to Maegor again." Visenya laughed at the memory of her late husband.

Lyarra smiles a little but then the smile fades. "Maegor does not even look at me since I had told him I was with child. I do not think he will do what his grace did for you." Visenya looks at Lyarra "Maegor is stubborn and is very hard to understand." Lyarra nobbed her head "Your grace thank you for the advice but Maegor will never do that to help me." Visenya then said "Leave my son with me and I'll make him understand."

Small council meeting

At the end of the small council meeting, ever Lord was leaving as Visenya walked in and saw Maegor standing against the table drinking his wine. "There you are, I was wondering where you had gone off too." Visenya said as she walked over to her son "What is it now Mother." "Your wife." Maegor drinks the rest of his wine and pours more for himself "Your Wife is not sleeping because of the babe." Visenya said as Maegor sits down in his chair "Why should I care about her not sleeping? I have other things to worry about." "The babe kicks her the whole night. She needs her rest as much as you do Maegor." "Mother, why does this bother you so much?" Maegor questioned his mother "Because she is my daughter by law and she is having my grandson." Maegor slams his hands on the table and Visenya doesn't even flinch. "You believe because you are the King you can do whatever you like. You have a responsibility to your lady wife and to your babe." Visenya said as she left the small council meeting room.

Queens Chambers

Agatha helped Lyarra put on her nightgown "How are you feeling your grace?" Agatha asks as she finishes tying her nightgown and she walks over to put something away while Lyarra lays down in her bed "I am well but the babe will not stop kicking." Agatha then asked "Maybe I can ask the midwives or Maesters for something to help you sleep?" Lyarra shakes her head "It is alright." Then they hear the doors open and see it is Maegor, Agatha bows her head "Your grace." Lyarra sits up in her bed "Is there something you need your grace." "You can leave. I will take care of the Queen for the night." Maegor said Agatha turned to look at Lyarra and she nodded her head "My queen." Agatha bows to Lyarra "My King." She bows to Maegor as she leaves the room.

Maegor walks closer to the bed and "What are you doing here?" Lyarra asked him. "My Mother told me you are not sleeping well anymore because of the babe." Maegor said as he sits on the bed "No the babe kicks all night long." Lyarra said as she places a hand on her belly and winces in pain for a moment. Maegor moves closer to her, Lyarra looks at Maegor and takes one of his hands and places it right where the babe is kicking her. "What are you doing?" he questioned, "Just wait a moment." she said and right at that moment Maegor felt their child kick for the first time.

Maegor couldn't speak for a moment then he said "That was the babe?" Lyarra didn't say anything but she just nodded her head Maegor places both of his hands on her stomach and feels the babe kick more "I think the babe sleeps all and stays up all night." she said with a little laugh and it makes Maegor smile a little Lyarra looks to Maegor ''Your mother said that your late father used to talk to you when your were in your mother stomach.'' Maegor looks up at her "You think it will help." Maegor questioned "I hope I have not been able to sleep a full night in months," she pauses "please just try." Lyarra lays on her back and Maegor moves closer to her and lays on his side and places a hand on her stomach "Hello." Maegor said and looked up at Lyarra then looked right at her belly "This is your father and for some time now you have not let your mother sleep so please let her sleep."

Lyarra then for the first time didn't feel a kick "The babe is not kicking anymore." Maegor look up at her "Good I did my job." as he gets up Lyarra felt the babe kick again "Maegor wait." she said and reach out for him, Maegor looks back at Lyarra ''Please just stay for night the babe does not kick as much when you are here.'' Maegor looks at Lyarra then he looks at her belly. Maegor sighs and moves the blankets so he can lay next to her. He moves to his side and places his hand on her belly.

Lyarra looks at him "Thank you." Maegor looks at her "This is so you can get some rest to make sure you stay strong." Lyarra smiles at him and then places her hand on top of his hand. For the first time Maegor and Lyarra slept in the same bed and there was no fighting. It was a sweet moment for the two of them. 

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